


data page [HKSAR Passport] 资料页〔香港特区护照〕

  date of birth 出生日期

  date of entry to Hong Kong 到港日期

  date of issue 签发日期

  date of landing 入境日期

  date of receiving passport 领取护照日期

  death certificate 死亡证明书

  death register book 死亡登记册

  death registration 死亡登记

  deaths register 死亡册

  Deaths Registration (Special Registers) Ordinance [Cap. 176] 《死亡登记(特设登记册)条例》〔第176章〕

  deaths registry 死亡登记处

  declarant 宣誓人;申报人

  declaration 宣誓书;声明书;宣告;声明;申报

  declaration as to still-birth 关于婴儿非活产的声明书

  declaration for altering or adding to the name of a child 子女改名或加名声明书

  declaration for correction of error in register 登记册内更正事项声明书

  declaration in support 作证明用的声明

  declaration of abandonment of appeal 放弃上诉声明书

  declaration of change of nationality 国籍变更申报书

  Declaration of Change of Titles (Deputy Director of Immigration, Assistant Director of Immigration, Immigration Officer, Immigration Tribunal and Immigration Service) Notice, 1997 《1997年宣布更改职称或名称(人民入境事务处副处长、人民入境事务处助理处长、人民入境事务主任、人民入境事务审裁处及人民入境管理队)公告》

  declaration of having right of abode in Hong Kong only 只在香港拥有居留权声明书

  declaration of having taken Hong Kong as place of permanent residence 已把香港作为永久居住地声明书

  declaration of identity 身分陈述书;"律师纸"

  declaration of intention not to appeal 不拟上诉声明书

  declaration of name of child 子女取名声明书

  declaration of status 身分的宣告

  decree absolute 绝对判令

  decree for annulment 废止婚姻判令

  decree for dissolution 解除婚姻判令

  decree for separation 分居判令

  decree nisi of divorce 离婚暂准判令

  decree of divorce 离婚判令

  decree of judicial separation 裁判分居令

  decree of nullity 无效判令

  decree of nullity of marriage 婚姻无效判令

  deed poll 改名契

  deface 损坏

  deferred immigrant visas scheme [United States] 延期移民美国签证计划

  Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China] 外交部领事司〔中国〕

  Departmental Quarters Policy Committee [Immigration Department] 部门宿舍政策委员会〔入境事务处〕

  departure 离境

  departure card 旅客离港申报表

  departure centre [Vietnamese refugees] 离港中心〔越南难民〕

  departure clearance 离境检查

  departure hall 离境大堂

  departure prevention direction 阻止离境指示

  departure return 离境呈报表

  departure stamp 离境印章

  dependency 属土

  dependent 受养人;家属;受供养人士;受供养者

  dependent child 受供养子女

  dependent territory 属土

  dependent visa 依亲签证;受供养人士签证

  deportation 递解离境

  Deportation Advisory Committee [DAC] 递解离境咨询委员会

  deportation enquiries register 递解离境审查登记册

  deportation of an alien 递解外国人离境;递解外籍人士离境

  deportation order 递解离境令;递解令

  deportee 递解离境者

  deprivation 剥夺

  Deputy Director of Immigration 入境事务处副处长

  Deputy Director of Immigration (Powers and Duties) Notice [Cap. 1] 《入境事务处副处长(权力及职责)公告)》〔第1章〕

  descend through the male line 父系后裔

  descent 世系

  deserter 擅离职守者;弃职者

  desertion 遗弃

  designated place 指定地方

  destination 目的地

  Detailed List of Three-Digit Categories [World Health Organization] 3位数字详细分类表〔世界生组织〕

  detain 羁留;拘留

  detainee 被羁留者

  detainee number 羁留编号

  detainee's property book 被羁留者的财物登记册

  detainee's property hand over register 被羁留者的财物移交登记册

  detection of forged travel document 识破伪造旅行证件

  detention 羁留;拘留

  detention book 羁留登记册

  detention camp 羁留营

  detention centre 羁留中心

  detention room 羁留室

  detention warrant 羁留令

  detention without trial 未经审讯羁留

  determination 审定;甄别

  determination of parentage 父母身分断定

  determination of refugee status 审定难民身分

  determination procedure 审定程序

  digital display system 数字显示器

  digitized image 数码影像

  diplomatic representative 外交代表

  diplomatic services procedure 外交事务程序

  direct airside transit visa 机场禁区内直接过境签证

  direct overseas resettlement 直接移居海外

  direct relation 直属关系

  direct transit passenger 直接过境旅客

  Director of Immigration 入境事务处处长

  discharge 解除;释放

  disciplinary offence 违纪行为

  Disciplined Services Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 纪律部队类别〔英国国籍甄选计划〕

  discretion 酌情决定权

  discretionary registration application 酌情审批的登记申请

  disembark 登岸

  disfigure 毁损

  dismissal of an appeal 驳回上诉

  displaced person 被迫离国人士

  dissolution of marriage 解除婚姻关系;婚姻的解除

  distressed relative 无依靠的亲属

  district registrar of births and deaths 分区生死登记员

  district registrar of deaths 分区死亡登记员

  district registry office 分区登记处

  divorce 离婚

  divorce certificate 离婚证明书

  document of identity 签证身分书

  documentary evidence 文件证据

  documentary identification 证明文件

  documentation 证件

  Documents Division [Immigration Department] 证件科〔入境事务处〕

  domestic helper 家庭佣工

  domestic premises 住用处所

  domicile 居籍;原居地

  domicile in Hong Kong 以香港为其居籍

  dormitory block 仓房;房

  dormitory hall 仓房;营房

  doubtful sponsor list 可疑保证人名单

  drop-in box 投递箱

  dual citizenship 双重公民身分

  dual nationality 双重国籍

  due day for issue 签发证件的期限

  duplicate 复本;副本

  duty controller 值日监督

  duty officer 值日主任

  duty supervisor 值日督导

  作者:5358955 回复日期:2004-9-6 17:36:11


  earliest date of discharge [e.d.d.] 最早释放日期

  Eastern Immigration Anchorage 入境船只东面碇泊处

  Easy Travel Scheme 出入境简化计划

  economic migrant 经济移民

  electronic digital display board 电子数码显示板

  eligibility determination 审定资格

  eligible person 合资格人士

  embark 登船

  embossed seal 凹凸印

  emergency landing of crew 船员紧急登岸

  emergency passport 应急护照

  emigrant 移民

  emigration 移居外地

  employment contract for a domestic helper recruited from overseas 聘用海外家庭佣工的雇佣合约

  employment visa 就业签证;雇佣工作签证;工作签证

  Employment Visa Co-ordinating Committee 就业签证统筹委员会

  endorsement 签注;批注;加签;加注;印盖签注

  endorsement to a travel document 旅行证件批注

  enrolment letter 就读登记证明函件

  entitlement 权利;资格

  entrant 入境者;进境者

  Entrepreneur Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 企业家类别〔英国国籍甄选计划〕

  entry certificate 入境证

  entry clearance 入境批准

  entry permit 入境证;入境许可证

  entry stamp 入港印;入境印章

  entry visa 入境签证

  Erskine Detention Centre 西贡高希马羁留中心

  established permanent resident status 已确定香港永久性居民身分

  establishing permanent residence 确立永久性居民身分

  ethnic Chinese 华裔人士

  ethnic Chinese origin 华人血统

  Ethnic Minorities Citizenship Unit [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 少数民族公民身分组〔英国驻港总领事馆〕

  ethnic minority 少数族裔人士;少数民族

  ethnic origin 原属种族;原籍裔系

  ethnic Vietnamese 越南裔人士

  ethnicity 血统

  ex-China Vietnamese illegal immigrant [ECVII] 从中国来港的越南非法入境者

  excluded person 免受限制人士

  exclusive connection 独特关系

  exempted person 豁免人士

  exemption 豁免

  exemption from registration 豁免登记

  Exit and Entry Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security [China] 公安部出入境管理局〔中国〕

  exit control point 出境管制站;出境关卡

  Exit-Entry Administration, Public Security Department [China] 公安厅出入境管理处〔中国〕

  expert evidence 专家证据

  expire 期满失效

  expiry date 届满日期;期满日期

  Explanations of Some Questions by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Concerning the Implementation of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《关于〈中华人民共和国国籍法〉在香港特别行政区实施的几个问题的解释》

  expulsion order 驱逐令

  ex-resident of China 前中国居民

  extension card 延期居留申请书

  extension of stay 延长逗留期限

  extension of validity 续期

  false information 失实资料;虚假资料

  false representation 虚假申述;虚报资料

  false statement 虚假陈述;虚假声明

  family passport 家庭护照

  family reunion criterion 家人团聚规定

  fees notice 收费通告

  female line 母系

  filing of application for registration of marriage 呈递婚姻登记申请书

  final decree of divorce 离婚最后判令

  final re-registration order 最后重新登记令

  first port of call 第一停靠港

  flap board 航机班次指示板

  flight 班机

  forced repatriation 强行遣返

  foreign domestic helper 外籍家庭佣工

  Foreign Marriage Ordinance [Cap.180] 《英国以外婚姻条例》〔第180章〕

  foreign national 外国国民;外国公民

  foreign nationality 外国国籍

  foreign passport 外国护照

  forfeiture 没收

  forfeiture order 没收令

  forge 伪造

  forgery syndicate 伪造证件集团

  form for countersignature 副署事项表格

  formality 手续

  formalize 正式确认

  former Hong Kong permanent resident 前香港永久性居民

  former migrant 已移居外地的人士

  former resident 前居民

  former serviceman 退役军人

  freedom from conditions of stay 免受逗留条件限制

  freedom from deportation 免受递解离境

  freedom from removal 免受遣送离境

  full British citizenship 英国本土公民身分

  General Duties Division [Immigration Department] 入境总务科〔入境事务处〕

  General Occupational Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 一般职业类别〔英国国籍甄选计划〕

  general requirement 概括规定

  general search 一般查册;总查册

  Geneva Conference 日内瓦会议

  genuine refugee 真正难民

  given name 名字

  giving notice of marriage 申报婚姻

  grandparental connection 祖父母关系

  Green Island Reception Centre 青洲接待中心

  green-seal cardholder 绿印持证人

  group permit 团体旅游许可证

  group visa 团体签证

  guarantor 担保人;保证人

  guardian 监护人

  guardian of a minor 未成年人的监护人

  guardianship 监护权;合法监护人关系

  Guardianship of Minors Ordinance [Cap. 13] 《未成年人监护条例》〔第13章〕

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