


land 入境

  land as a student 以学生身分入境

  land as a visitor 以访客身分入境

  land for employment 为雇佣工作而入境

  land in Hong Kong 在香港入境

  land in transit 以过境人士身分入境

  land unlawfully 非法入境

  landing 入境

  landing place 陆地点

  last order 最后命令

  last port of call 上一个停靠港

  law of succession 继承法

  lawful custody 合法羁押

  lawful employment 合法雇用

  lawful guardian 合法监护人

  lawful order 合法命令

  lawfully employable 可合法受雇

  legal custody 法定管养权;合法羁押

  legal guardian 法定监护人;合法监护人

  legal guardian by authorization 获授权的监护人

  legal guardian by court order 法庭颁令监护人

  legal guardianship 合法监护权

  legal immigrant 合法移民;合法入境者

  legal immigration 合法入境

  legal obligation 法律义务

  legal representative 法律代表;法定代理人

  legal residence 合法居留

  legal separation 合法分居

  legitimacy 婚生地位

  Legitimacy Ordinance [Cap. 184] 《婚生地位条例》〔第184章〕

  legitimate child 婚生子女

  legitimate person 婚生人士

  legitimate reason 正当理由

  legitimated person 获确立婚生地位人士

  legitimation 确立婚生地位

  letter of guarantee 担保书

  liable to forfeiture 可予以没收

  liberalization of a closed centre 开放禁闭中心

  limit of stay 逗留期限;居留期限

  line 世系

  living beneficiary 在生受益人

  living new-born child 初生存活婴儿

  Lo Wu Control Point 罗湖管制站

  Lo Wu Detention Centre 罗湖羁留中心

  Lo Wu Kowloon-Canton Railway Terminal 罗湖九广铁路大楼

  Lo Wu Terminal 罗湖管制站

  Lo Wu Terminal Extension 罗湖管制站新翼

  Local Resettlement Scheme [Vietnamese refugees] 在港定居计划〔越南难民〕

  Lok Ma Chau Border Crossing 落马洲边境通道

  Lok Ma Chau Terminal 落马洲管制站

  long stay refugee 长期滞留难民

  long stayer 长期逗留者

  long term alien resident in Hong Kong 长期居港外侨

  loss of right of abode 丧失居留权

  Ma Tau Wai Girls' Home, The 马头围女童院

  Macau Visit Scheme 澳门居民来港旅游计划

  machine readable 计算机可读

  machine-readable travel document 计算机可读旅行证件

  mailing label 邮寄标签

  Mainland Fisherman Deckhand Scheme 内地过港渔工计划

  maintenance 赡养费

  maintenance order 赡养令

  male line 父系

  Man Kam To Bridge 文锦渡桥

  Man Kam To Control Point 文锦渡管制站

  Man Kam To Crossing 文锦渡口岸

  Man Kam To Immigration Checkpoint 文锦渡出入境检查站

  Management Audit Division [Immigration Department] 管理审核科〔入境事务处〕

  Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death 《国际病症、损伤及死亡原因统计分类手册》

  marine register book of births and deaths 海上出生及死亡登记册

  marital status 婚姻状况

  marriage hall 婚礼大堂

  marriage not consummated 未有完婚

  Marriage Notice Book of Hong Kong 香港结婚通知册

  marriage of a dying person 临终的人的婚礼

  marriage of convenience 权宜婚姻

  Marriage Ordinance [Cap. 181] 《婚姻条例》〔第181章〕

  Marriage Ordinance Order [Cap. 181] 《婚姻条例令》〔第181章〕

  Marriage Reform (Fees) Regulation [Cap. 178] 《婚姻制度改革(费用)规例》〔第178章〕

  Marriage Reform Ordinance [Cap. 178] 《婚姻制度改革条例》〔第178章〕

  marriage registry 婚姻登记处

  marriage solemnization service 婚礼仪式

  Marriage (War Period) (Validity) Ordinance [Cap. 258] 《婚姻(战争时期)(效力)条例》〔第258章〕

  married person 已婚人士

  maternal mortality rate 产妇死亡率

  matrimonial suit 婚姻讼案

  mechanical restraint 机械束缚器具

  medical certificate of the cause of death 死因医学证明书

  member of a consular post 领馆人员

  Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) Ordinance [Cap. 478] 《商船(海员)条例》〔第478章〕

  Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Returns of Births, Deaths, and Missing Persons) Regulation [Cap. 478] 《商船(海员)(出生、死亡及失踪个案的申报)规例》〔第478章〕

  migrant 移民

  Migration and Visa Department [United Kingdom] 移民及签证部〔英国〕

  military service card 兵役证

  minimal formalities 最基本的入境手续

  minister 神职人员

  minor 未成年人

  minor child 未成年子女

  minor illegal immigrant 非法入境儿童

  minority 未成年;少数

  misrepresented passport 内容失实的护照

  mobile office 流动办事处

  modern marriage 新式婚姻

  modified document of identity 免回港签证身分书

  monogamous marriage 一夫一妻制婚姻

  moral claim 道义申索

  movement record 出入境记录

  multiple entry clearance 多程入境批准

  multiple re-entry permit 多次通用回港证

  multiple visa 多程签证

  multiple visit visa 多程旅游签证

  municipality 直辖市

  national 国民

  national passport 国家护照

  nationality 国籍

  nationality application 国籍申请

  Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China [commonly known as Chinese Nationality Law] 《中华人民共和国国籍法》〔惯称《中国国籍法》〕

  nationality provision of the Hong Kong Act 1985 《1985年香港法令》有关国籍的规定

  nationality registration 国籍登记

  nationality status 国籍;国民身分

  naturalization 入籍

  naturalization as a Chinese national 加入成为中国公民

  neo-natal mortality rate 新生婴儿死亡率

  new arrival 新抵港人士;新移民

  new born infant 初生婴儿

  new format passport 新款护照

  New Horizons Vietnamese Refugee Departure Centre 新秀越南难民离境中心

  New Identity Card Re-issue Exercise 新身分证换领计划

  next port of call 下一个停靠港

  "no card mother" "无证妈妈"

  non compos mentis 精神不健全

  non-alien 非外国人

  non-Chinese citizen 非中国籍人士;非中国公民

  non-Christian customary marriage 非基督教旧式婚姻

  non-deportability 免受递解离境

  non-ethnic Chinese Hong Kong British Dependent Territories citizen 非华裔香港英国属土公民

  non-legible form 非可阅的形式

  non-machine readable 非计算机可读;计算机不可读

  non-permit mother "无证妈妈"

  non-quota entrant 配额外的入境者

  non-refugee 非难民

  non-resident person 非居住于香港的人

  non-visa national 免签证国民

  normal registration 在法定时间内登记

  Notarial Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice [China] 司法部公证司〔中国〕

  notarial certificate 公证书

  notarized contract 已办妥公证手续的合约

  notary public 公证人;法律公证人

  notice of appeal 上诉通知书

  notice of appeal against removal order 上诉反对遣送离境令通知书

  notice of claim 申索通知书

  notice of collection 领证通知书

  notice of determination [refugee status] 审定难民身分通知书

  notice of dismissal 驳回上诉通知书

  notice of hearing 审讯通知书

  notice of intended marriage 拟结婚通知书

  notice of marriage 拟结婚通知书

  notice of removal order and right of appeal 遣送离境令及上诉权利通知书

  notice of seizure of a ship liable to forfeiture 可予没收的船只扣押通知书

  notice of seizure of a ship/vehicle 船只/车辆扣押通知书

  notice to masters (immigration clearance on departure from Hong Kong) 致船长通知书(关于检查离港旅客证件事)

  Notice to Persons in Custody 给在羁留人士的通告

  notice where coffin also contains the body of a child 棺木同时安放婴儿尸体时须呈交的通知书

  notice where coffin contains more than one body 棺木安放超逾一具尸体时须呈交的通知书

  notification of authorization for detention 授权羁留通知书

  notification of intention to remove 拟遣送离境通知书

  nuisance 滋扰

  nullity of marriage 婚姻无效

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