


Lesson 95 The Road Trip 汽车旅行


  fantastic adj. (非正式)极好的;极大的

  fantasy n. 幻想;白日梦

  farce n. 闹剧,滑稽剧

  far-reaching adj. 影响深远的

  fascinate vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒

  fashion n. 流行,风尚,流行式样;vt. 造成,造

  fasten vt. 使固定,系

  fastidious adj. 挑剔的,难于讨好的

  fatal adj. 致命的

  fatalism n. 宿命论

  fateful adj. 重大的,决定性的;命中注定的,与命运有关的

  fatigue n. 疲乏,劳累

  fatuous adj. 愚昧的

  faucet n. 水龙头

  fault n. 地质学的断层;过错,缺点

  fauna n. 动物学,动物区系

  favorable adj. 有利的,赞成的;赢得赞许的,让人喜欢的

  favored adj. 首选的,受到优待的,优惠的

  feasible adj. 切实可行的

  “This is the most fantastic trip I have ever experienced,” said Alice. Alice had never been to Europe before. Now, she and her

  best friend Bessie were driving across Europe in a car. It was a dream comes true for both of them. “It’s always been my fantasy to travel abroad. I love the women’s fashions here. I could shop for hours. The city zoo was interesting too. The unique fauna fascinated me. I have never seen zoos like that back home. I really think this is a fateful trip for both of us.”

  “I don’t believe in fatalism,” Bessie giggled. “But I agree that the effects of this trip are far-reaching. This trip is going to changes us forever. For now, we should probably fasten our seatbelts. There have been many fatal crashes in this area. Also, the fatigue of driving is beginning to make me sleepy.”

  “Maybe we should stop,” Alice said. “Is there a favorable hotel in the area?”

  “It’s not feasible for us to stop now,” Bessie replied. There were no lighted areas in sight. “Don’t worry, the most favored hotel in the guidebook is just an hour away. They have floral carpets and golden faucets. The book says it’s good enough to please the most fastidious customer.

  “Obviously, they haven’t met you,” laughed Alice. “I’m sure you’ll find at lease one fault.”

  “By the way, what did you think of that play we saw last night?” Bessie asked.

  “It was a fatuous performance,” Alice said. “I wonder if it was intended to be a farce.”

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 08年8.24第95期托福英语学习:托福词汇95




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