

1)陈述型论文摘要。陈述型论文摘要(Descriptive Abstract)一般只说明论文的主题是什么,多半不介绍内容。



  This article extends Lehand and Pyle(1997)model to include the possibility that manager may exploit cooperate wealth through transactions with affiliated companies and/or individuals.The results of our model show that the amounts of wealth exploitation are affected by several factors.They are inorderly managerial stockholding,the severity of penalty,the manager's risk attitude,firm's expected future cash flows,and the variance of future cash flows.What's more, the relation between managerial holding and the amount of wealth exploitation is not seperate.Wealth exploitation rises with management share holdings before the break point.When managerial holding exceeds the break point,any further increase in the management holdings will decrease the amount of wealth exploitation.



  The effect of price limit on the stock return,volatility and the structural change is analyzed through a generalized autoregressive conditional heterscedasticity(GARCH)model.The interaction between stock returns and its volatility is permitted in each price limit regime.While the stock return does not go up when the price limit goes down from 5%to 7%.The stock volatility,on the other hand,is substantially different across three regimes. The higher the price limit,the larger is the volatility.In end the GARCH model does not suffer from the structural change when price limits change.



  This issue presents a complete survey on the integrin,immunoglobulin,and selection families cellular expression patterns on endothelial, resident cells and graft infiltrating cells in human stomach, heart ,and lung transplants.It describes the patterns of cellular expression and inducibility in different pathological conditions of the graft.It also discusses the implications for the organ specific appearance of inflammatory reactions in human stomach,heart and lung transplants as for immunosuppressive and therapeutic interventions.

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