


  A: Well, as an overseas student, I suppose you don't have a great deal of earning power, so inflation must have affected you to some extent.
  B:Yes, it affects me in that my parents aren't able to afford to pay my tuition. So I've been forced into taking part of my study time to devote to earning as much as I can to help pay for that.
  A: You mean you've been taking part-time jobs? What kind of jobs are they?
  B: There are quite a number of par-time jobs available for overseas students here. There are the student cafeteria, university libraries, and of course, the summer course programs offered by the education centre. Presently, I've been working in the university book store, the second-hand book division.
  A: But that kind of cuts into your studies, I suppose.
  B: It does, to a certain extent. But I found that with the added pressure of having to earn money, I use my study time more effectively and get more done.
  A: So in that sense, it's kind of a good thing for you.
  Q11: What is the woman doing now?
  Q12: According to the conversation, which of the following is the major reason for the woman to work part-time while in the university?
  Q13: Where is the woman working part-time now?
  Q14: What will the woman do with the added pressure of having to earn money herself?

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 昂立:2008年9月中口听力Q11




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