


Section 1:LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)
  Spot Dictation:
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.
  When you stop and think about your high school or college alma mater, were your experiences more positive or negative? Do your feelings of success or failure in that school have anything to do with whether or not your school was single-sex or coed? More and more Americans are electing to send their children to single-sex schools, because they feel both boys and girls blossom when they study in the company of students of the same sex. They tend to achieve more.
  For years, only parents who could afford to send their children to private schools or who had strong religious or cultural reasons chose single-sex education for their children. Single-sex schooling was out of reach for most American families. Today, however, along with costly private schools, public schools are experimenting with the idea of separating the sexes.
  Girls may be the ones who benefit most from single-sex schooling. Studies have shown that many girls get short-changed in coed classrooms because teachers sometimes pay more attention to boys. Girls' positive exuberate attitude toward their studies tends to disappear as they began to feel less successful. They start to watch their male peers outperform them in math and science. As boys begin to gain confidence, girls start to lose it. Moreover, adolescence is such a fragile time for girls. As they experience adolescent changes some girls become depressed, develop an addiction or suffer from an obsession with weight.
  In the early 1990s, some influential people said that being in single-sex classes could raise a girl's self-esteem. Schools across the country began creating single-sex classrooms and schools but many critics claim that all female schools may actually be detrimental to a girls' education, because they reinforce the regressive notion of sex differences.
  The renewed interest in single-sex schooling has fostered a controversy among Americans. Those who give it full endorsement believe girls need an all-female environment to take risks and find their own voices. Those who question the validity of single-sex schooling wonder whether students' lack of achievement warrants returning to an educational system that divides the sexes. They believe there is no such thing as separate but equal.
  1. success of failure
  2. more and more Americans are electing
  3. boys of girls blossom
  4. tend to achieve more
  5. strong religious or cultural reasons
  6. out of reach
  7. costly private school
  8. separating the sexes
  9. many girls get short change
  10. positive exuberant attitude
  11. watch their male peers
  12. begin to gain confidence
  13. such a fragile time
  14. an obsession with weight
  15. raise a girl's self-esteem
  16. all female schools
  17. reinforce the regressive notion
  18. has fostered a controversy
  19. question the validity
  20. such thing as separate by equal
  Listening Comprehension:
  Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversation. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following interview.
  Man: Hello, my name is Hudson, Dick Hudson.
  Woman: I'm Pamela Ann Gable....
  Man: Well, take a seat please. Miss Gable, it is "miss", isn't it?Well, let me just check that I've got these particulars right. Your surname is Gable, spelled G-a-b-l-e, and your first names are Pamela Ann. Fine. You live at 147 Corriden Road, Croindain, your telephone number is 2468008. You were born on 18th July, 1975 and, that's about it, okay? Fine, let's see. What are you working with at the moment?
  Woman: I'm personal assistant to the manager of a modeling agency.
  Man: Oh, really? And what does that involve?
  Woman: A bit of everything, really. I have to keep the accounts, write a few letters, answer the telephone, and that sort of things.
  Man: You work with people a lot, do you?
  Woman: Oh, yes. I have to look after all the models who work for us, you know, keep them happy, lend an understanding ear to their heartaches, you know.
  Man: Have you ever done anything to do with hotels or conferences, hotel management, for instance?
  Woman: No, not really. I did work for a short time as a courier for a tour operator, taking foreigners on guided tours of London, perhaps that's the sort of the thing you mean?
  Man: Yes, I think it is. Do you speak any languages?
  Woman: Yes, I do. I speak French and Italian. You see, I spent several years abroad when I was younger.
  Man: Oh, did you? That's very interesting. And what about any exams you've taken?
  Woman: Well, I left school at 16. You know, there didn't seem to be any point in staying on somehow, I was sure I could learn much more by getting a job and a bit of experience and independence.
  Man: So you have no formal qualification at all? I see. Well, I don't suppose it matters.
  Woman: I was wondering if perhaps you can tell me a bit more about the job? You know, it's said in the ad. that you wanted a go-ahead girl with a car and imagination, but that' not very much to go on.
  Man: No, it isn't. Well, we run conferences in your job as conference coordinator would-be. Well, much the same as the one you have now I suppose: meeting people, transporting them from one place to another, making sure they are comfortable, a bit of telephoning and so on.
  Woman: It sounds just the sort of thing I want to do.
  Man: There is the question of salary of course.
  Woman: Well, my present salary is 18,000, so I couldn't accept any less than that, especially if I have to use my car.
  Man: Ah, we have something like 15,000 in mind, plus of course, a generous allowance for the car. But look, if I were you, I'd take a quick look around the office here, see if you like the look of the people who work here.  1. What is the woman's present job?
  正确答案:D.personal assistant
  2. Which of the following is not involved in the woman's present job?
  正确答案:C. To organize business trips and conferences.
  3. What foreign languages does the woman speak?
  正确答案:B. French and Italian
  4. What salary does the woman expect from her perspective of employer?
  正确答案:B. No less than 18,000.
  5. Which of the following statements is true about the woman according to the conversation?
  正确答案:C:She's applying for a job of a conference coordinator.
  Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following interview.
  New Delhi
  Indian health officials say a Dengue fever outbreak has claimed at least 106 lives. Officials say more than 5700 people in 11 Indian states have been affected by the fever since early September. India's capital, New Delhi, is the worst hit. Dengue is a violent infection transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. It can cause a severe flu-like illness and can lead to internal bleeding. Outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses are common in India during and after the monsoon season, which ended in September.
  Pushed up by soaring oil prices, Britain's trade deficits surged to a record high in the summer. But analysts predicted a slowly improving imbalance in the months ahead. The current account trade deficit increased 2.8% to an all-time high of 118.6 billion pounds in the July-September quarter. The trade department reported Monday that a third-quarter deficit was equaled to 6.8% of the total economy, up from 5.5% of GDP in the second quarter.
  Gaza City
  Palestinian gunmen in Gaza have kidnapped a Spanish photographer working for the Associated Press. Emilio Morenatti was abducted early Tuesday morning in Gaza city as he left an apartment building to get into an AP car. The driver of the car says four masked gunmen restrained him and shoved Morenatti into a white Volkswagen and drove away. No one has claimed responsibility so far.
  South Africa
  The hunting of lions and other big cats bred in captivity purely to die at the barrel of a gun will be outlawed under legislation that comes into force next year, the government said Wednesday. The Department of the Environment said the new regulations will make it illegal for anyone to kill large predators raised in an enclosed reserve to blunt their survival instincts. It said it would also ban the shooting of lions, cheetahs and leopards in a "controlled environment," where hunters had an unfair advantage over the beasts, as well as forbidding the killing of tranquilized animals.
  The U.S. Pacific state of Hawaii has been declared a disaster area after a strong earthquake early Sunday, causing damage but no serious injuries. The disaster declaration by Hawaii's governor allows her to mobilize the state's National Guard and makes Hawaii eligible for federal emergency funds. The U.S. Geological Survey says Sunday's 6.6 magnitude earthquake was centered in the Pacific Ocean just off the sparsely-populated west coast of the island of Hawaii - the largest in the archipelago. The quake was felt in Honolulu, 250 kilometers away on the chain's most populated island of Oahu. The earthquake triggered landslides, and damaged numerous roads, bridges and buildings. Airports were closed to outgoing flights. Widespread electric outages across the state make communications difficult.
  Question No. 6: How many lives has the Dengue fever outbreak claimed in India?
  正确答案:C 106
  Question No.7: Which of the following statements best describes Britain's current economic situation?
  正确答案:A The trade deficit hit an all-time high in the previous quarter.
  Question No. 8: What is reported to have happened in Gaza city early Tuesday morning?
  正确答案:D An A.P. photographer was taken away by masked gunmen
  Question No.9: What do the new regulations stipulate according to South African Department of the Environment?
  正确答案:B Killing large predators bred in captivity will be made illegal.
  Question No. 10: Which of the following statements is true about Hawaii's disaster early Sunday?
  正确答案:D Land and air traffic, and communications were considerably affected.

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