


本课您将学到:compare, cost, …if…or not = …whether… or not 句型


  bargain就是杀价,讨价还价的意思。如果一个人杀价成功,那么我们可以说:She has got a good deal. 她买得挺合适。如果要求别人减价,可以说:Cut me a deal, please. 便宜点吧。如果想要成为杀价高手,下面这段话你一定要记牢:

  First, you should compare(比较) prices(价格). This means(意味着) going to different shops and see how much something costs at each place. When you bargain, never let the shopkeeper(店员) know how much you want something. Instead(代替,而非), act(行动,表现)like you do not care if you buy it or not. You should also criticize(评价)the thing you want to buy. Such as, I don't like the color. The style(款式)is a little bit old. I saw it at another store and the price is lower.


  Good luck and happy shopping!


  1、compare v. 比较It's impossible to compare London and New York , they're quite different. 伦敦与纽约是无法相比的,它们太不相同了。Compare经常和with/to连用,表示比较,对照,如:Compared with/to him, I am a bungler. 和他相比,我真是个笨蛋。如果把它们分开使用,就表示比作,比喻为的意思:The poet compares the woman he loves to a rose. 诗人把他钟情的女人比作玫瑰花。

  2、cost v. 花费,值(多少钱)These shoes cost 30 pounds. 这双鞋花了30镑。和spend相对,cost的主语是物品,同样的意思,如果我们用spend做动词,就要说:I spend 30 pounds on these shoes.一双鞋就要30镑,确实贵了点,不过还能承受。如果有些东西要cost an arm and a leg你还会买吗?呵呵,别害怕,不是真的要你的胳膊和腿来换,而是它的价格非常昂贵。

  A: This antique vase costs me an arm and a leg. 这只古董花瓶非常昂贵。
  B: How much?多少钱?
  A: 10 thousand dollars. 一万美元。

  当cost做名词时,意思是“费用,成本”,意思与price相似。但cost很少用于指物品的价钱,而是指费用,有服务费,如:the cost of having the house painted(粉刷房子的费用), 还有一般费用,如:the cost of living(生活费),the cost of food(食品费用)。

  3、shopkeeper n. 店员 有时候也表示小商店的经理。不过不管他是什么职位,面对顾客他们都要笑脸迎人,热情服务。拿破仑称英国人为a nation of shopkeeper,大概是因为他们在战争中表现出了和店员类似的奴颜婢相吧!(Anyway, it's just his point of view, not mine. 不管怎么说,那只是他的看法,不代表本站观点哦。)

  4、instead是副词,意思是“作为替代”。比如,If he has no time, let me go instead. 如果他没空,我替他去一下吧。文中instead的意思要联系前面的句子来理解,When you bargain, never let the shopkeeper(店员) know how much you want something.讲价时,千万别让店员看出来你有多想要某样东西,代替这种表现的行动应该是:act like you do not care if you buy it or not.表现的好像你根本不在乎能不能买到它。


  …if…or not = …whether… or not 句型(是否……)


  He asked if(whether) I need help or not.

  I don't know if(whether) she likes me or not.

  *在口语中,后面的or not 也可以省略,意思不变。


  许多初学者对于时态问题都很头疼,其实我们完全可以用take it easy的心态来看待它,它只不过表明了动作发生的时间和先后顺序。

  这篇短文告诉你应该如何讲价,属于一般规律,所以全篇用一般现在时叙述。只有最后一句I saw it at another store and the price is lower.用了一般过去时,因为这一句要表达的意思是:我以前在另一家点看过这件东西,而且那里的价钱要便宜些。(表示动作在过去已经发生了)

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