


本课您将学到:so…that句型,while的用法及fool sb into doing sth句型


  There was a beautiful princess(公主) named Psyche and she was so beautiful that no man thought he was good enough to marry her. One day, an oracle(神谕) told her parents that Psyche should be taken to a mountain and be given to a terrible monster(怪物)!

  这个故事的开头看起来有点像《美女与野兽》(The Beauty and The Beast)是吗?别着急,男主角马上就要出场了。

  When Psyche was left on the mountain, a warm breeze(微风) carried her to a beautiful castle(城堡). There she was visited(拜访) by a secret lover at night. She only heard his voice and felt his warm touch(触摸), but could never see him. He even let Psyche visit her two sisters.


  The sisters saw that Psyche was very happy and they did not like it. So they fooled(愚弄、欺骗) Psyche into seeing who her husband was. That night, Psyche held a light(灯) next to(挨着) her husband while he was sleeping. She found out that he was Cupid, the god of love!

  To be continued…




  第一段的named是过去分词,name的动词意义是“给……取名”,加上了ed,意思就变成了被动的,也就是“被取名为”的意思。为什么这里要用被动意思呢,呵呵,很简单,因为我们的名字都是别人给取的嘛!那么There was a beautiful princess named Psyche的意思就是:有位漂亮的公主叫Psyche.

  接下来我们看到so…that,这是英语中用来表达程度和结果的常用句型,常翻译成“如此……以致于”、“那样……以致(因而)”,所以she was so beautiful that no man thought he was good enough to marry her就可以翻译成:她是如此漂亮,以至于没有男人觉得够条件取她。 so是副词,修饰形容词或副词,表示程度;而接that从句引导结果状语从句。具体运用时有如下几种常见结构:

  1.so +adj./adv.+that从句

  It was so hot that we all went swimming. 天太热了,所以我们都去游泳了。

  2.so+adj.+a(an)+单数可数名词+ that从句

  Here is so heavy a stone that no one can move it. 这块石头那么重,(因而)没人能挪动它。

  3.so +many /few +复数可数名词+ that从句

  I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.我跌了那么多跤,以致浑身青一块紫一块的。 (black and blue青一块紫一块的)

  There are so few mistakes in John's composition that the teacher praised him.约翰的作文错误很少,老师表扬了他。

  4.so +much /little +不可数名词+ that从句

  Bob has so little money that he can't buy the book. Bob只有那么点钱,(因而)他买不起那本书。

  The teacher gave him so much help that he soon finished his homework. 老师帮了他很多忙,所以他很快就完成作业了。

  (啰嗦几句:so…that句型中的that 在口语中常可以省去,其意思不变。例如:The story was so funny it made everybody laugh. 这故事太滑稽了,把大家都逗笑了。)

  Enough是个很有意思词,当它作为副词修饰形容词时,要放在形容词的后面,比如文中的good enough,还有:Are you sure he's old enough to join the army? 你肯定他够参军的年龄吗?而一般的副词都会放在所修饰的形容词前,比如:Anna is pretty attractive. 这里的副词pretty就是放在了形容词attractive前面。当enough作为形容词修饰名词时就和一般的形容词用法一样了,它通常用在复数名词或不可数名词前,如:enough people/money.

  第二段讲述了Psyche和secret lover的浪漫邂逅。第一句的left是leave的过去分词,加上was就是“被遗忘,被留下”的意思,可怜的公主被父母抛弃了,可命运并没有放弃她,一阵温暖的breeze把她带入了一个人间天堂。注意这里的breeze可不是一般的wind哦。还记得我们讲过的时间介词at吗?那么从这句话的最后两个词,There she was visited by a secret lover at night.你就能读出这样的意思:一到晚上,一个秘密情人就会来看望Psyche.不仅如此,他更体贴的地方在于:He even let Psyche visit her two sisters.句中的even起强调作用,可以翻译成“甚至、连”,如:Even Mrs. Smith could not help laughing. 连史密斯太太也忍不住笑了起来。

  有这样一个长的漂亮还嫁的富贵的姐姐,我也会嫉妒(be jealous of),所以难怪她的妹妹们会让她想办法弄清楚:who her husband was,(注意这是陈述语句,所以要把be放在主语后,类似的句子还有:I don't know whose books these are.我不知道这些是谁的书。)

  在英文里过去时态是用来表示在过去某个时间里发生的事情; 而过去进行时态是用来表示在过去的一个动作已经发生的时候另外一个动作正在进行中。Psyche held a light next to her husband while he was sleeping.这句话就是用一个连词while把两个表示过去动作的语句连在了一起,意思是当一个动作正在发生时,另一个动作发生了。即:Psyche在丈夫睡着时拿着灯走近他。起同样作用的连词还有when,在句中它们都翻译成“当……时”,但是在用法上有一些区别:while 只能跟进行语态一起用,而 when 不受这个限制,比如这句:Don't get excited when you talk.就只能用when,而不能用while.一般说来过去的两个动作同时都在进行的时候比较常用 while,比如:I was talking to him while he was writing.


  So they fooled Psyche into seeing who her husband was.


  愚弄某人去做某事,这就是我们今天要掌握的句型:fool sb into doing sth

  My aunt fooled me into cooking dinner for her.


  My girlfriend fools me into marrying her.

  我女朋友骗我娶她。(美国有一个叫Surprise Wedding的节目,就是专门搞这个的,你看过吗?)

  关于fool这个词,还想多说几句。Fool是名词,意思是“傻瓜”,同样意思的idiot也很常用。Foolish是形容词,意思是“傻的、可笑的”,意思相似的还有silly, stupid.



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