The Great Universal God,第1张

The Great Universal God,第2张

Behold Him, 看他,With a rolled palmyra leaf stuck into His earlobe, 他的耳垂上带着一个包金箔的扇叶树头榈的叶子,The rider on the bull, 骑在公牛上的人,The wearer of the pure white moon on His locks,那戴在他的头上的纯洁白净的月亮, Smeared with hot ashes from the cremation ground, 被来自火化地的热灰弄脏,The stealer of my heart . . . 偷我心的人......

Hail to thee O Mahadeva! Thou art the ocean of compassion! Pray forgive me for whatever wrong actions I may have done, either knowingly or unknowingly, Through the organs of my action and perception, or through my mind.Mahadeva啊,向你致敬!你是慈悲的海洋!请宽恕我所犯下的所有罪过,无论是有意的还是无意的,通过我的肢体、感官,还是意识。
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