Aum Jagatpitre Namaha!,第1张

Aum Jagatpitre Namaha!,第2张

In youth, the venomous snakes of sound and sight, Of taste and touch and smell, Fastened on my vitals and slew my discrimination. Alas! My heart, bereft of the thought of Shiva, Swelled in arrogance and pride! Therefore, O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambho! Forgive me, I pray, my transgressions. Now in my old age, my senses have lost the power of proper judgment and action. My body is weak and senile from afflictions, But even now, my mind, instead of meditating on Shiva Runs after vain desire and hollow discussions.Therefore, O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambho! Forgive me, I pray, my transgressions. I bow to Him who bestows on the sages direct knowledge of ultimate Truth. I bow to the teacher of the three worlds, Dakshinamurthy, the Lord Himself, Who dispels the misery of birth and death.译文:年轻时,听觉和视觉的毒蛇,还有味觉、触觉和嗅觉,把我的生命和大量的邪见牢牢拴在一起。唉!我的心,失去了湿婆的庇护,傲慢自大在滋长!啊,Mahadeva!啊,Shambho!原谅我,我祈祷,我的罪过。现在,我已老迈,我的感官失去了正确的判断和行动的力量。我的身体被折磨的柔弱、衰老但即使是现在当那些徒劳的欲望和空洞的想法发作仍然会取代对湿婆的冥想因此,啊,Shiva! 啊,Mahadeva! 啊,Shambho!原谅我,我祈祷,我的罪过。我向那些赋予圣人终极真理的人鞠躬,我向三个世界的导师鞠躬,Dakshinamurthy,上帝自己,和那些消除了生与死痛苦的人。ADI SHANKARCHARYA光荫译
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