Introduction to New Theoretical Physics

Introduction to New Theoretical Physics,第1张

The theory of "new theoretical physics" tries to think, interpret and innovate on the basis of the theories of "Classical Newtonian Mechanics", "Classical Electrodynamics" and part of "Quantum Mechanics", draws on and absorbs the new theoretical experiment summary, astronomical observation results, and theoretical thinking results of the past hundred years, and applies theoretical physics theory to think, interpret and innovate the material structure, material existence, material movement, material change and its laws in the universe, and strives to make the physics theory whole. Systematic, unified, deterministic, and consistent have been further improved. 

1. New Theory of Matter Structure

The smallest elementary particles of matter, positrons, electrons.

All substances are positrons, electrons, different quantities, different proportions, and different compositions of combinations.

Photons are composed of positrons and electrons, and a photon is an electron pair composed of a positron and an electron.

Light is a moving beam of photons.

All matter is a combination of positrons, electrons and photons in different quantities, different proportions, and different structures.

Matter composed of photons is called a photon stack; Neutrons are photon stacks, and photons are the smallest photon stack.

2. Electric dipole theory

Photons are the smallest electric dipoles. 

All matter is accelerated motion, all accelerated moving matter, accelerated moving matter will be polarized, polarized matter, are all large and small electric dipoles of different degrees.

Electric dipoles have their own electromagnetic fields.

The magnetic fields of planets and stars are formed by the electric dipole effect of planets and stars, and gravity is the electromagnetic gravity formed by the electromagnetic field effect of celestial electric dipoles.

3. Orbit, rotation, and effects of celestial bodies

Solar system planets are of cold origin, and all planets are not of hot origin.

Planetary satellites evolved from planetary rings, and the planetary origin of the solar system is analogous to the origin of planetary ring moons.

The alchemy furnace effect of geochemical elements, high atomic number chemical elements are formed by the high temperature and high-pressure environment in the earth's interior.

New material structure theory, electric dipole theory and celestial rotation, rotation and effect theory are the three new theoretical foundations of new physics theory, and classical Newtonian mechanics and classical electrodynamics constitute a simple, systematic, complete and unified new physical system, which will solve the problems that have plagued physics for hundreds of years one by one, the nature of gravity, unified field theory, the nature of light and so on. 

"Orbit, Rotation and Its Effects of Celestial Bodies", "New Model Assumptions of Matter" and "Electric Dipole Theory" The three supporting basic theories that constitute the new physics architecture, and the most basic theories of these three supporting theories are still classical Newtonian mechanics and classical electrodynamics, the difference is that the use of Newtonian mechanics and electrodynamics on the new cognition and interpretation of the existence of matter in the universe, the structure of matter, the accelerated movement of matter, the change of matter, and the cycle of matter, so that physics can achieve unprecedented harmony and unity, and achieve the goal of unified field theory pursued by physicists for a hundred years. 

"Rotation, Rotation and Effects of Celestial Bodies"

Its main purpose is to regard celestial bodies as cosmic life bodies, the rotation of celestial bodies is the life characteristic parameters of celestial bodies, and the rotation of celestial bodies is the physical characteristic parameters of celestial bodies, celestial rotation is determined by the gravitational interaction between celestial bodies and higher-order celestial bodies (celestial main celestial bodies, such as the sun in the solar system), and celestial rotation is determined by the orbit of celestial bodies and the material movement of the celestial body's own matter.

"New Model Hypothesis of Matter"

The main purpose is the minimum elementary particle of matter, the minimum elementary charge hypothesis, positrons, electrons are the two smallest elementary particles of matter, all matter is a combination of these two smallest elementary particles of different quantities, different arrangements, different structures, in particular, photons are a positron and an electron constitute the first stable particle of matter, photons are called positron and negative electron pairs; All matter is a combination of positrons, electrons and photons, and the matter composed of two photons is called a photon pair; A substance composed of more than two photons is called a photon stack, and neutrinos, bosons, neutrons, etc. can all be regarded as photon stacks; A substance composed of a photon stack and a positron is positive matter, and a substance composed of a photon stack and electrons is antimatter; A proton is a positron and a pile of photons nearly the size of a neutron; Atoms are dynamic equilibrium matter composed of protons (including neutrons) and distant orbiting electrons.

An important point is that all positrons and electrons are the same except for the similarities and differences in charge symbols, and their positions and roles in the photon stack can be replaced equivalently.

Electric Dipole Theory

The theory of electric dipoles includes the formation of electric dipoles of matter, photons being the smallest electric dipoles in the universe. Atoms in accelerated motion, the nucleus is affected by the acceleration motion force, will move forward in the direction of acceleration motion, the entire atom's extranuclear electron cloud will be equivalent position lag, the atom from the rest state of the near-circular structure form, with the acceleration of the kinetic force is different, and the degree of morphology changes, forming a small front and large back head ellipsoid, which is the atom becomes a polar atom, that is, a material entity electric dipole; All atoms of accelerated moving matter show different degrees of earth depolarization, and the polarization of the entire material object appears, which is the basic model of the electric dipole effect of accelerating moving matter.

The system perfectly may be used to solve several major problems facing contemporary theoretical physics:

1. Gravitational problem; , macroscopic gravity, microscopic repulsion, gravity is the electric field of a single charge, and universal repulsion is the interaction of two charges, the formation of electric field superposition effect, that is, magnetic field effect, gravity is electromagnetic  force, is the electromagnetic force produced by the celestial electric dipole effect. 

2. Unified field theory problem; The four forces of the universe are unified to electromagnetic field forces, which are gravitational at long distances, and gravitational and repulsive forces at microscopic near distances. 

3. Dark matter, there is no difference between light matter and dark matter, all matter is electrons, positrons in different quantities, different structures, different space-time regions of accelerated moving substances. 

4. The question of the origin of the universe, a new cosmic model, using the basic principles of space-time and space-time and the infinity of space-time matter. 

5. The origin, operation changes, life characteristics, celestial physical characteristics and their influencing factors, formation mechanism and distribution characteristics of celestial magnetic fields.

6. The origin and creation of cosmic elements; Initially formed by cold polymerization, mainly low atomic number elements; Medium and high atomic number elements are formed by high temperature and high-pressure thermal polymerization, and celestial bodies that synthesize medium and high atomic number elements need to reach a certain mass and a certain density before they can have the ability to thermally polymerize into new elements. 

7. The distribution of the cosmic basementelectromagnetic field, the universe has a basement magnetic field, and the source of the basement magnetic field is the cosmic contribution distribution of the equivalent electromagnetic field formed by the electric dipole effect formed by the accelerated movement of all matter in the universe; The electromagnetic field of the universe substrate determines the degree of unified electric dipole uniform formatting of all the accelerating matter in the universe, that is, the polarization of the matter that exists anywhere and accelerates the motion, that is, the atomic structure form is consistent, and the proportional relationship between an atomic nucleus and the electron cloud outside the nucleus in the atomic structure is the same, then, in this way, the basic existence form of the cosmic matter is the same, therefore, the cosmic matter will not be different because of the different positions in the space-time of the universe , rigid, therefore, the base magnetic field in the universe is the smallest electric dipole composed of all photons in left-handed acceleration motion, the comprehensive sum of the electromagnetic field formed, and the electric dipole effect of a celestial body is the superposition of equivalent electric dipoles composed of all photons of the celestial body, and its size is related to the number of photons contained in the celestial body, and related to the distribution pattern of the celestial body (equivalent mass center position). 

8. The equivalent electric dipole effect of celestial bodies is the basic characteristic of cosmic celestial bodies, and is a function of the weighted space-time distribution of mass of all materials in space and time of the universe, in particular, the magnetic field of the Earth-Moon system is determined by the material distribution of the Earth-Moon system. 

9. L-handed material movement is a regular material movement, which is a step-by-step left-handed accelerated motion; It is the acceleration of the electric dipole in the direction of motion, so its motion trajectory and the electromagnetic field distribution of the electric dipole show a matching morphological effect, the electromagnetic field distribution is not spherical, but flat, the head is sharp, the tail is open.... ... Low-order acceleration is contained in high-order acceleration motion, such as the accelerated motion of the Earth's lunar system is included in the accelerated motion of the solar system, and the accelerated motion of the solar system is included in the accelerated motion of the Milky Way... The Milky Way is equivalent to an aircraft carrier, the solar system is equivalent to a small train on the aircraft carrier, and the Earth Moon is equivalent to the passengers on the small train, obviously, all the materials on the aircraft carrier are accelerating together in a general direction, and various small trains and cars on it each do different acceleration movements; The passengers in the train and car are doing their own different acceleration movements...

10. What does the particle nature and volatility of light mean, the duality of light should be the particle nature of photons, and the comprehensive reflection of the electromagnetism of photonic electric dipoles, in essence, photons are elementary particles, and volatility is not the essence of photons, the source of volatility is the interaction between photon electromagnetic properties and electromagnetic fields in space and space;

11 The reason why matter in space-time cannot move faster than the speed of light in space and time in the universe is a corollary consequence of gravity as electromagnetic gravity;

12. Classical Newtonian mechanics, classical electrodynamics, creation of microstructure models of matter, law of conservation of mass of matter, law of conservation of charge of matter.

13, cold atom synthesis, atomic synthesis, one  is cold atom synthesis, one is hot atom synthesis, hot atom synthesis is polymerization method (high temperature and high pressure), cold atom synthesis is self-gravity method, is cold autopolymerization method (low temperature and low pressure). 。 

14. The electrical property of a substance is that the substance contains the remaining absolute number of positive (or negative) electrons after its own positive and negative electrons are offset. If the positron has an absolute surplus, it is a positive charge surplus, and the substance as a whole shows positive electricity; If the electron has an absolute surplus, it is a negative charge remaining, and the substance as a whole shows negative electricity; 

15. Material mass is the sum of the number of positive and negative electrons contained in the substance; Photons have mass, and photon mass is the sum of the masses of two electrons; Photons do not show electricity, however, photons have a weak electric dipole effect display, so the photon has a weak electromagnetic field, and the photon has a deflection in the electromagnetic field;

16. The so-called quantum effect is the dynamic steady-state characteristic effect of the electromagnetic interaction between electrons, positrons and their combined structures, and is the sum effect ofelectromagnetic gravity and electromagnetic repulsion between all electrons and positrons that make up the substance; When substances are far away from each other, they mainly attract each other and polymerization is the main thing; When the distance is close, it is both attracted to each other and mutually exclusive, and the closer the distance, the greater the repulsive force; This is why matter can come together through mutual attraction and separate from each other....

17. In the theory of new physics... There is only right and wrong, there is no right and wrong..., that is, the principle of certainty, not uncertainty; The physical state must be either definite or uncertain, not between certainty and uncertainty. 

18. Space-time in the universe is absolutely isotropic, and the law of conservation is a universal law;  The distribution and motion state of matter in the space-time of the universe are different, and the difference between the space-time of the universe comes from the difference in the existence of matter, the movement of matter and the change of matter in the space-time of the universe; There is no cosmic space-time curvature, and all the differences in cosmic space-time are differences in the material properties of cosmic space-time, not cosmic space-time itself. 

19. At present, the entire space-time of the universe is a positive matter space-time, and all matter is doing left-handed acceleration motion, so the entire universe can be regarded as a material-accelerated left-handed movement universe....

20. Cosmic low-temperature nuclear polymerization reaction, low temperature is similar to a kind of energy, which enables the matter in the space-time of the universe to interact with neighboring substances with the help of its own material combination characteristics, resulting in polymerization, and the material particles gradually increase; High temperature is similar to a kind of material reverse motion, interfering with the polymerization between substances, wherever there is high temperature, there must be non-directional movement of substances; 

The huge amount of energy released by the collision of matter is the result of universal repulsion, and nuclear fusion is the source of energy release of universal repulsion.

Haitian Yuhong Ne w Theory Research and ThinkingTeam ,Written by: Yu Honghai


 January 1, 2023

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