Universal Gravity and Electric Dipoles

Universal Gravity and Electric Dipoles,第1张

Photons, the smallest electric dipoles in space-time in the universe, are the gravitons that the scientific community is struggling to find, and gravity is the electromagnetic force generated by the electric magnetic field of electric dipoles. 

Universal gravity is the electromagnetic force, which is the electromagnetic force formed by electric dipoles generated by the movement of matter.

The accelerating movement of the substance causes the internal structure of the substance to change corresponding to its motion, with the positive charge in front and the negative charge in the back, forming an equivalent electric dipole structure.

The material accelerates the motion, so that the basic charge of the material forms a separation structure, the material presents an electric dipole effect, generating an electromagnetic field, and the gravitational force between substances is generated due to the electromagnetic field of the electric dipole.

This equivalent electric dipole will produce a corresponding moving electromagnetic field, in a system, this electric dipole and the electromagnetic field generated by it show a quasi-co-directional arrangement, and the interaction between the electromagnetic fields of the electric dipoles is the gravitational effect between substances.

Gravity causes matter to interact with each other to maintain accelerated motion, and the accelerated motion of matter keeps the electric dipole effect maintained. The electric dipole effect, in turn, keeps the mutual gravitational effect between matter and matter, which is the reason why matter and matter maintain accelerated motion, so the two seem to be causal to each other.

However, the two are not causal to each other, because the movement of matter and the interaction between matter are divided into primary and secondary and order, and the moving electric dipole of the high-order celestial body is the power of the moving electric dipole of the lower-order celestial body.

Stepwise division refers to the space-time of the universe, the relationship between celestial bodies and celestial bodies is not an equal relationship, but a hierarchical-ladder division, galaxy clusters-extragalactic galaxies-milky way-solar system-earth—...... Until microscopic matter ... Dark matter......

Accelerating objects themselves form electric dipoles of varying degrees; Each electric dipole object generates a corresponding moving electromagnetic field; The gravitational effect between objects is the electromagnetic field interaction between objects and objects, that is, gravity is electromagnetic force.

Light, photons, electric dipoles, electromagnetic fields

Light is matter, granular matter, is a photon beam, is a complex of yin and yang pairs (photons) with different energies, yang and yin entangled, the propagation of light is a wave, is an electromagnetic fluctuation, and the speed of light is the speed C of the propagation of electromagnetic wave fluctuations.

The speed of light is not the speed at which photons move, but the speed at which the fluctuations caused by photons propagate in an electromagnetic field. 

The speed of light is the speed of the propagation of electromagnetic field fluctuations caused by photons, just like a stone thrown into a calm lake, the stone stirs up water waves at the drop point, the stone sinks to the bottom of the lake, and the water waves fall from the surface of the stone lake, diffuse around, the electromagnetic field electromagnetic waves stirred up by photons are also diffused to the space-time of the universe, so the speed of light is the speed of electromagnetic wave fluctuations, not the speed of photon flight.

Just a photon beam is like a rain string. The photon beam is divergent, because any luminous body can be regarded as a luminous point from a more macroscopic perspective, and the light emitted by this luminous point (photon beam) is scattered in an orderly manner in the space-time of the universe, where the so-called order means that the light will interact with the electromagnetic field in a specific position and time period to form a definite trajectory in space-time in the universe.

Photons have an initial velocity, and during flight, the initial motion energy will change, or increase or decrease, increase, or decrease and amplitude, depending on the material and magnetic field distribution environment on the path of photon motion, and the initial kinetic energy is difficult to conserve.

The speed of light is the speed of the propagation of electromagnetic field fluctuations in space-time caused by the movement of photons in the electromagnetic field, not the speed of photon movement, the speed of photons in the electromagnetic field is much smaller than the speed of light, the so-called speed of light is the result of continuous photon interaction with the electromagnetic field.

Photon, in the terminology of ancient Chinese philosophy, is a combination of yang (positron) and yin (electron), and a photon is an electron pair composed of a yang and a yin. 

Assuming that in the space-time of the universe, the yang is the smallest unit of positively charged particles, and the yin is the smallest unit of negatively charged particles, then the photon is the smallest electric dipole in the space-time of the universe, the photon is the smallest physical particle of matter in the space-time of the universe, and all the matter in the space-time of the universe is a different combination of yang, yin and photon.

The way matter exists in space and time in the universe is: yang, yin, photon and its various combinations. Neutrinos, quarks, and neutrons all belong to photon stacks with different numbers of photons; Protons are photon piles + irons, and atoms are combinations of protons + yon (+neutrons). Macroscopic matter is a combination of atoms + photons.

There are independent yangs and yinns in the space-time of the universe, and this existence is mostly transient, that is, the existence of an unsteady state, because the electric and electromagnetic fields of yangs and yinns will make them interact with surrounding matter, and in most cases, they are annexed by matter.

Therefore, all the interaction forces between matter, in essence, are related to the electrical properties of yang and yin, the smallest component unit of matter, that is, with the repulsion of yangzi and yangzi, the repulsion of yin and yin, the attraction of yang and yin, and the attraction of yin and yang; It is related to the photons composed of yangs and yintons, electric dipole electromagnetic fields.

In the space-time of the universe, all matter is in accelerated motion, so in addition to a single yang and yin, all the accelerating moving substances in the space-time are electric dipoles of different sizes and shapes, all of which have unique moving electromagnetic fields corresponding to their mass and motion, and all have their own unique contributions to the distribution of electromagnetic fields in space-time.

The electromagnetic field in space and space of the universe is an electromagnetic field in motion composed of electric dipoles generated by the left-handed motion of matter, which is an electromagnetic field of positive matter. 

All the electric dipoles produced by the movement of matter are yang (positive charge) located at the head of motion, and yin (negative charge) is located at the tail of motion, showing a positive arrangement, so the comprehensive electromagnetic field of matter in space and space of the universe is a series electric dipole electromagnetic field formed by electric dipoles moving in material motion.

In the electromagnetic field affected by the electromagnetic force of the comprehensive base of space and space, all matter is affected by it, and at the same time, it is affected by the electromagnetic field of the moving electric dipole in the local area of the universe space-time, that is, each material unit and complex interacts with the electromagnetic field generated by the moving electric dipole formed by its own movement and the electromagnetic field generated by the moving electric dipole in the local area of space and space-time. That is, the weighted superposition and fusion of the base electromagnetic field and the electric dipole electromagnetic field generated by the movement of matter in the region interact with the local regional electromagnetic field, and the equivalent electric dipole electromagnetic field is equivalent to the electric dipole electromagnetic field.

If each space-time point in cosmic space-time is deducted from the electromagnetic field generated by the matter itself, the electromagnetic field of the space-time point is defined as the base magnetic field in the space-time of the universe, then the space-time basement electromagnetic field of the universe is the superposition of the functional distribution of the electromagnetic field generated by all matter in the space-time of the universe.

Universal gravity, light, the speed of light, and the principle of invariance with the speed of light, the speed of matter will not exceed the speed of light

The volatility, partialness, and propagation speed of light. The speed of light propagation in space-time is constant, which is the speed of light (related to the medium).  However, the path of light propagation is not isotropic in space, the path of light propagation is related to the distribution of electromagnetic fields in time and space, and the distribution function of electromagnetic fields in space and time is related to the distribution and motion function of matter in space and space. 

Objects moving in space-time in the universe form an electric dipole effect in space-time that is positively related to its mass, spin (rotation) speed, and motion (revolution) speed.

The electromagnetic field of the motion generated by this electric dipole is obviously related to the mass of the object and the motion of the object, and the contribution of the moving electromagnetic field to the total electromagnetic field in the space-time of the universe is the weighted superposition and fusion of the magnetic field in the space-time of the universe and the electromagnetic field of the motion, forming the total electromagnetic field in the space-time of the universe.

Therefore, there is a basement electromagnetic field in the space-time of the universe, and the distribution of this substrate electromagnetic field is the electromagnetic field weighted superposition and fusion formed by the electric dipole effect of all substances (objects) in the space-time of the universe. The space-time comprehensive electromagnetic field of the universe is a function of the mass, distribution, and motion of all matter in the space-time of the universe, and is a function of the space-time mass, space-time change, space-time distribution and space-time motion of a substance. This function integrates all matter (M) and its motion (V), space (X, Y, Z), and time (T) in space-time into a mutually stimulating and mutually restraining whole, and if any one variable changes, the comprehensive electromagnetic field of the entire space-time will be redistributed. 

When space and time are approximately constant in a local region of the universe and a specific time, and the comprehensive electromagnetic field distribution of space and space in the universe is also approximately constant, then the fluctuation of the electromagnetic field in the space-time region of the universe is mainly related to the distribution and motion of matter in the region and adjacent space.

The so-called gravitational force should be that everything has gravity and repulsion, and gravity is the electromagnetic force, and the size distribution of the electromagnetic force strength of everything is related to the electromagnetic field distribution generated by its electric dipole. The electromagnetic field generated by the electric dipole is proportional to its mass, proportional to its motion speed, related to its morphological characteristics, and related to its trajectory.

The interaction gravity between objects (substances) is the interaction between the electric dipole moving electromagnetic forces generated by their respective beings, and its magnitude is related to the strength of the moving electromagnetic field formed by the electric dipoles generated by each of them and is related to the relative position and distance between them. It should be added that the reason for listing the relative positions between them separately is that the distribution of the electromagnetic field intensity generated by their respective electric dipoles mentioned above is related to their motion trajectories, that is, in the direction of their intercourse (spin equatorial plane), the distribution of electromagnetic intensity is stronger than the distribution perpendicular to the spin equatorial plane, and the distribution in the direction of coming is stronger than in the direction of direction, because the coming path is the space-time of the area swept by the electric dipole electromagnetic field, and the forward path is the area that the electric dipole electromagnetic field is about to sweep. The road has already occurred and is in a continuous role, and the road to the road is in the process of development, which is about to be affected, and will be in a continuous role in the future.

This should be the reason why the macroscopic celestial bodies and celestial groups in the space-time of the universe show a flat morphological distribution, that is, in the vertical direction of the flat-shaped plane, the distance of the distribution of celestial bodies in both quantity and mass is much smaller than the distribution in the plane direction, therefore, the distribution of matter in the space-time of the universe is not isotropic, but related to the trajectory of the direction of movement of matter.

The electromagnetic field in space and space of the universe is an electromagnetic field in motion composed of electric dipoles generated by the left-handed movement of matter, which is a positive matter electromagnetic field, and all electric dipoles produced by the movement of matter are yang (positive charge) located at the head of motion, and yin (negative charge) is located at the tail of motion, showing a positive arrangement, so the comprehensive electromagnetic field of matter in space and space of the universe is a series electric dipole electromagnetic field formed by electric dipoles in the movement of matter.

Use electric dipoles to explain gravity, that is, gravity is electromagnetic field interaction, then, the aging of gravity must occur within the range of electromagnetic field fluctuation speed, that is, the speed of force accelerating the movement of the object cannot exceed the speed of light, when it exceeds the speed of light, gravity has failed, and the motion of the object cannot be in an accelerated state, but can only slow down or keep the speed constant.

Because the interaction between matter gravity, repulsion is transmitted through the electromagnetic field, if the speed of matter moves faster than the speed of light, the movement of matter loses the role of the force that can provide it with acceleration, that is, at this time the matter will not produce acceleration, without acceleration, the speed of matter will be constant, therefore, the maximum speed of material movement can only be the speed of light, which reveals the formation mechanism of gravity, that is, the "unified field theory idea" becomes "unified field theory ", It perfectly solves the basic theoretical problems of the existence, composition and interaction relationship of matter in space and time in the universe.

Cosmic matter reciprocates and circulates endlessly

Cosmic matter is in eternal motion and change, matter, and matter under certain conditions, can be mutually transformed, dark matter-light matter-microscopic matter-macroscopic matter-celestial body-celestial system-celestial system-supercluster, and the celestial body itself can heat and emit light to form photons.

In the universe space-time, the infinite cycle of material existence, interaction, movement, and change process is an endless process of cosmic space-time material existence, movement, distribution, and evolution, which is also a process of the existence and evolution of the universe space-time, which repeats and repeats, without beginning, without end, only past, present and future.

At least the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years as claimed by the so-called Big Bang, the age of the universe is much older than 13.8 billion years, and the history of the endless evolution of matter in the universe is much older and more colorful.

Universal gravity is essentially a comprehensive manifestation of the electromagnetic force of elementary particles in a combination of non-electromagnetic polarized substances.

The bipolar forces generated by the different polarities of matter and different states of motion, after canceling each other, are gravitational or gravitational forces, so usually the electromagnetic force is much greater than the (universal) gravity.

Although the gravitational force of ordinary objects is weak, large, and compact stars are very strong. No object or star without any polarization can express electromagnetic force at a macroscopic distance, and only gravity can dominate the motion of various star galaxies. 

Universal gravity is the electromagnetic gravity caused by the equivalent electric dipole effect of the total mass of matter that makes up an object, and although the gravitational force is weak, the gravitational force between substances can be superimposed without limit. 

The gravitational nature is single, and it can be superimposed and never cancel each other out, so there will be a phenomenon that the microscopic can be ignored, and the macroscopic is prominent, and it has become one of the very important forces that dominate the macroscopic world.

This is the mechanism of the collection of electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, light, electrical properties, and so on.

The four basic forces of the universe, universal gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force, these four forces can be divided into two categories, a large category, gravity, electromagnetic force; The other major category is the weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear force, and all four of these forces are electromagnetic forces. 

Gravity and electromagnetic force are mainly the forces manifested by macroscopic matter, and they are the interaction forces between macroscopic substances; The weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force should mainly belong to the force manifested by the microscopic matter, which is the force that combines between the microscopic matter to form the larger material need, and is the force of existence inside the microscopic matter, similar to the gravity inside the earth, that is, the force that makes the material huddle. 

Macroscopic matter is a combination of microscopic matter, so the force manifested by macroscopic matter is a comprehensive embodiment of the force presented by microscopic matter. Gravity and electromagnetism are the combination of gravitational and electromagnetic forces of microscopic matter particles. 

Photons, the smallest electric dipoles in space-time, are the gravitons that the scientific community is struggling to find, and gravity is the electromagnetic force generated by the electromagnetic field of electric dipoles. 

The relationship between gravity and mass, revolution, and rotation, mass is the essence, is the material basis, the material base motion (the absolute motion of matter in space and time in the universe), revolution is the movement of celestial bodies in their celestial subsystems, around the main celestial body of the subsystem, which is part of the cause of the gravitational force of celestial bodies, and the result of gravity; In this celestial subsystem, as far as the celestial body itself is concerned, the celestial body has two kinds of motion, revolution and rotation, the orbit of the celestial body is the longitude, and the rotation of the celestial body is the latitude.

   Quality is the foundation, because mass is a physical quantity that measures how much matter an object contains, the greater the mass, the greater the material content, the smaller the mass, the less the substance content. The greater the mass of the moving object, the more microscopic electric dipole is formed, the greater the macroscopic electric dipole effect presented, and the greater the strength of the moving electromagnetic field presented, the stronger the gravitational ability.

   For example, the earth's rotation in the solar system belongs to the solar system's orbit, and the rotation movement belongs to the internal motion of the solar system, but the earth moves with the sun around the center of the galaxy, and the earth also follows the sun with the galaxy to do orbital motion around a larger celestial body.

Obviously, this motion is a superposition of countless motions, a continuous acceleration motion that connects all matter, space, and time in the universe.

Obviously, the internal movement of celestial bodies in the celestial system is only the role and interaction of celestial bodies and celestial bodies on the accelerated motion path, just as objects on the earth follow the earth's motion, and these objects will be classified and grouped according to a certain classification and do their own movements in the groups they are classified into. 

The revolution is the cause, because the revolution makes the object become a microscopic electric dipole corresponding to its mass and speed, and these microscopic electric dipoles are oriented to form an electric dipole bundle, and the sum of all electric dipole beam synthesis is the macroscopic electric dipole of the object, so this macroscopic electric dipole is an equivalent moving electric dipole bundle, and the moving electromagnetic field generated by it makes the gravitational force between objects and objects exist, and the interaction between matter and matter becomes a reality; Revolution is the result, and revolution is the result of the dynamic equilibrium relationship achieved by the gravitational action between objects.

Revolution is longitude, and revolution makes the celestial material orderly and longitudinally arranged, becoming an equivalent electric dipole; Rotation is latitude, and rotation is the balance between the gravitational force and the macroscopic gravity between the microscopic matter of the celestial body itself, which plays a role in lateral adjustment, so that the equivalent electric dipole order formed by the revolution can be maintained, and the role of maintaining the stability of the macroscopic electric dipole of the celestial body is maintained.





























































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