虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波

虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波,第1张

虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波,图片,第2张


虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波,图片,第3张

Girl Hannah  女孩汉娜

My love throbs between 100 grids  我的爱在一百个格子间跳动

My love throbs between 1,000 ladders  我的爱在一千个梯子间跳动

My love throbs between 10,000 cities  我的爱在一万座城市间跳动

My love throbs between 100,000 stars  我的爱在一亿个星球间跳动

Trying to find you  为了找你

Which grid are you walking on  你走在哪一个格子里?

Which ladder are you lost on  你迷失在哪一个梯子上?

Which street are you huddledon  你蜷缩在哪一个街道上?

Which star are you weeping on  你哭泣在哪一个星空上?

Because you need my love  因为你需要我的爱

You vanish, seal yourself away  你失踪,你封闭自己

Like a silent rock  像沉默的石头

Or more like an innocent lamb  更像无辜的羔羊

虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波,图片,第4张

Fortune Teller’s Dance  算命师的舞蹈

The temple has dance parters  寺庙里有伴舞

Small feet, pink flowers in full bloom   小小的脚,粉色的花盛开

Buddha laughs  佛笑了

Hell grows three feet deeper  地狱厚了三尺

To fit in more people  装下更多的人

Going up the stairs  上楼的时候

You tread softly, breathing like a fish  你蹑手蹑脚,呼吸如鱼

Small lips spitting out a fresh world  小小的嘴吐出一个新鲜的世界

虹影的诗 | 我也叫萨朗波,图片,第5张

Gas Lamp  煤气灯

The Mistakes of youth lie in the space of a word  青春的错误,在一字之间

“No,” is the “no” of non-compliance  “不”,就是从不顺从的“不”

The mountain of ice between you and me is built on the word  你我之间的冰山建构在这个字之上

How did that fluid get into my chest?   气体它如何进入我的胸中

That blue colour  那蓝色呢

That beach  那海滩呢

That skeleton  那骨骸呢

My light cough  那我轻轻的咳嗽

Is to say another word “love”   为了讲出另一个字“爱”

Most of life  大半生

Is going around mountains of ice  都在绕过冰山

You draw me close to you  你缩在我的怀里

With petal lips  用那花瓣的嘴唇

Kiss me,saying, I hear  吻我,说,我听见了

One shoe says it hurts  一只鞋叫痛

And the other shoe also says it hurts  另一只鞋也叫痛

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