Winners and Losers,第1张

Winners and Losers,第2张

Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Winners and Losers. You should write at least 120 words, and you must base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.




  Winners and Losers

  There are many winners and losers in our everyday life. What kinds of people are winners? First of all, they should be optimists and have confidence in success. Secondly, they should have plans for the future and strive for them. Finally, a good will is also necessary.

  On the other hand, what kinds of people are losera? For inatance, a loser is often someone who ia a pessimist or, on the contrary, thinks highly of himself/herself, but his ability is limited. As a loser, maybe he is rich in money, but usually he cannot get what he wants, and then he gets overwhelmed. He complains about the world and life, but does not findany reason from himself. It is his pessimism that causes his misfortune.

  As for met I think a winner, just like a genius, results from one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. We should think a lot, practice a lot and strive hard in order to achieve our plans step by step. It can help you to be a winner who bears in mind that God helps those who help themselves.

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