The Youngsters of the Flower Season

The Youngsters of the Flower Season,第1张

The Youngsters of the Flower Season,第2张

We're sixteen, which is life's flower season. Youthfulness writes down moving inspiring story[stories](1)。 We're young and full of youthful spirit. Happiness and sadness are the glimmer [glimmering(闪烁的)](2) stars in the sky.We always have high morale(道德观)。 We're always getting ready to rush up the next mountain. We want to be heroes. We always think out some strange ideas that always seem to others inconceivable(不可思议的)。

  We pay attention to friendship. We can go through fire and water for our friends. Our favourite thing is to go out with our friends but without our parents.We look forward to a kind of life which is free and unrestrained(不受限制的)。 We already hold our own ideals and we are looking forward to the future all the time.

  We are sixteen years old. We always say to ourselves,“I've grown up.” Yes, we don't say childish words, neither do we do childish things, nor do we play childish games any more. We have our own way of considering things. We use our own eyes to view the world.

  However, we have some shortcomings. We don't have the steadiness(稳重) of middle-aged people. We don't have the experience of old people. We even lost[have even lost](3)the innocence and clean heart of a child.

  We are no longer free from care. We begin to have things weighing on our minds. We like playing,but we have to study day and night.

  In short, we are upright(正直) but rash(鲁莽), young but superficial(肤浅)。 It's the most wonderful time in our life,the same as the flower season.We enjoy it.But after all it is a short time,so we should do as Jack said in Titanic,“Enjoy every day.”——enjoying this wonderful time.

  四川省双流中学高一(五)班 瞿靖宇

  评 语

  这是一篇写得相当出色的作文。全文轻松,流畅,朗朗上口,许多big words 也用得恰到好处。但就语言而言,还是有下列几点需要提出讨论修改:

  (1)story 是可数名词,如果没有冠词的话,还是用复数为妥。

  (2)glimmer 可作动词,这里应该用现在分词作前置定语。


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