


T square 丁字尺

  t usance 按期支付

  T'ang 唐

  T-bar 丁字架

  T-connectors 网络T形接插件

  T-formation T字队形

  T-shirt 圆领汗衫

  t. ton吨

  ta-ta 回头见

  Taal 塔尔语

  tab 制表

  tabard 粗大衣

  tabby cat 虎斑猫

  tabby 平纹

  tabefaction 衰弱

  tabernacle 帐篷

  tabernacular 临时房屋的

  tabes 消瘦

  tabetic 脊髓痨的

  tabid 衰弱的

  table board 包伙食

  table book 装饰用的书

  table cloth 桌布

  table d'hote 客饭

  table format 表格格式

  table gridlines 表格虚框

  table knife 餐刀

  table lamp 桌灯

  table light 桌灯

  table linen 餐布

  table manners 饭桌礼仪

  table money 就餐费

  table of contents 目录

  table salt 食盐

  table set 成套餐具

  table talk 席间闲谈

  table tennis 桌球

  table top 桌面

  table tripod 矮三角架

  table vice 台虎钳

  table ware 餐具

  table wine 低度酒

  table 桌子

  table-board 牌桌

  table-flap 折板

  table-hop 餐桌交际

  table-tennis 桌球

  table-water 饮用水

  tableau vivant 生动的场面

  tableau 生动的场面

  tableaux 舞台造型

  tablecloth 桌布

  tableland 高原

  tablespoon 大汤匙

  tablespoonful 一大汤匙的量

  tablet chair 椅子

  tablet 写字板

  tablet-arm chair 椅子

  tabletop 桌面

  tableware 餐具

  tabloid 小报

  taboo 禁忌

  tabor 小鼓

  taboret 小凳子

  tabour 小鼓

  tabouret 小凳子

  tabs 跳格设定

  tabu 禁忌

  tabular difference 表差

  tabular 表格式的

  tabulate 制表

  tabulation 作表

  tabulator 制表器

  tacamahac 塔柯胶

  tacamahaca 塔柯胶

  tach 环

  tache 色彩

  tachisme 抽象画法

  tachometer 转速计

  tachycardia 心动过速

  tachygraphy 速记术

  tachymeter 准距仪

  tacirton 躁声闸流管

  tacit 缄默的

  tacitly 肃静地

  taciturn 沉默寡言的

  taciturnity 无言

  taciturnly 沉默寡言地

  tack board 布告板

  tack claw 拔钉器

  tack hammer 平头钉锤

  tack on 添加

  tack 大头钉

  tacker 敲钉器

  tackle 装备

  tackling 扭住

  tacky 胶粘的

  taconite 角岩

  tact 机智

  tactful 机智的

  tactfully 机智地

  tactic 策略

  tactical radius 战斗半径

  tactical range 战斗航程

  tactical 战术的

  tactician 战术家

  tactics 战术

  tactile hair 触毛

  tactile 触觉的

  tactility 触知性

  tactless 不机敏的

  tactual 触觉的

  tactually 触觉器官地

  tad 小孩子

  tadpole 蝌蚪

  tae kwon do 跆拳道

  taedium vitae 厌世

  taekwondo 跆拳道

  tael 两

  taenia 头绳

  tafferel 船尾上部

  taffeta 丝织品

  taffia 劣质甜酒

  taffrail 船尾栏杆

  tafia 塔非亚酒

  tag after 尾随

  tag along 尾随

  tag day 街头募捐日

  tag end 末端

  tag line 收尾语

  tag team 职业性摔角

  tag 标签

  Tagalog 塔加路族人

  tagalong 追随学样者

  tagboard 标签纸

  tagger 附加物

  tagmeme 法位

  Tagore 泰戈尔

  tagrag 乌合之众

  tagraggery 杂乱的混合

  Tahiti 塔希提岛

  taiga 针叶林带

  tail after 跟踪

  tail aground 船尾搁浅

  tail coat 燕尾服

  tail end 末端

  tail fin 尾鳍

  tail off 缩小

  tail pipe 排气尾管

  tail skid 后滑板

  tail to the tide 随潮起伏

  tail wind 顺风

  tail 尾部

  tail-heavy 尾部重的

  tail-wagging 高速旋转

  tailboard 可动尾板

  tailcoat 燕尾服

  tailender 倒数第一

  tailgate 后挡板

  tailing 残渣

  taillight 尾灯

  tailor 裁缝

  tailor's chalk 划粉

  tailor's clippings 裁剪碎料

  tailor's twist 缝纫粗丝线

  tailor-fashion 盘膝

  tailor-made 裁缝制的

  tailorbird 缝叶莺

  tailored 剪裁讲究的

  tailoress 女裁缝

  tailoring 裁缝业

  tailpiece 附属物

  tailrace 放水路

  tails up 兴致勃勃

  tailspin 旋尾降落

  taint 污点

  tainted food 腐烂的食物

  Taipei 台北

  taiping rebellion 太平天国运动

  Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡

  Taiwan 台湾

  Taiwanese 台湾的

  take a bath 洗个澡

  take a beating 受打击

  take a bow 鞠躬

  take a brief 接手案件

  take a candy from a baby 贪得无厌

  take a challenge lying down 对挑战俯首称臣

  take a chance 冒险

  take a drop of something 喝一点酒

  take a false step 失策

  take a fancy to 喜欢

  take a flyer 冒险

  take A for B 把A误以为B

  take a hack at 尝试

  take a holiday 休假

  take a horn 喝酒

  take a liking for 喜欢

  take a liquor 喝酒提神

  take a load off one's feet 坐下休息

  take a look 注视

  take a moment 花一些时间

  take a nap 小睡一下

  take a nest 摸鸟巢

  take a part of 扮演

  take a photograph 拍……的照片

  take a pleasure in 喜欢

  take a rest 休息

  take a risk 冒险

  take a seat 坐下

  take a sheet off a hedge 公然盗窃

  take a shoot 抄近路

  take a strong line 干得起劲

  take a tumble 恍然大悟

  take a vote 表决

  take a walk 散步

  take aback 惊吓

  take account of 考虑

  take action 采取行动

  take advantage of 利用

  take after 象

  take against 反对

  take aim 瞄准

  take air 传开

  take amiss 曲解

  take an account of 记帐

  take an aversion for 反感

  take an interest in 感兴趣

  take an oath 宣誓

  take apart 拆开

  take aside 叫走

  take away from 减损

  take away 取走

  take back 撤回

  take boat 上船

  take breath 歇口气

  take by storm 攻占

  take by surprise 吃惊

  take by the button 强留

  take by the throat 扼杀

  take captive 俘获

  Take care of the penny and the pounds will take care of themselves 积少自然成多

  take care of 照顾

  take charge 负责

  take cognizance of 认识到

  take command of 控制

  take counsel of one's pillow 彻夜思考

  take count of 计数

  take courage 奋勇

  take cover 躲藏

  take credit to oneself 居功

  take defeat 承认失败

  take delight in 乐于

  take down 卸下

  take earth 隐匿

  take effect 生效

  take example by 摹仿

  take exception against 反对

  take exception to 反对

  take exception 反对

  take fire 燃烧

  take five 休息五分钟

  take flight to 逃跑

  take for 认为

  take French leave 不辞而别

  take from 降低

  take full advantage of 充分利用

  take heart of grace 鼓起勇气

  take heart 振作

  take hold of 握住

  take in a reef 紧缩开支

  take in hand 承担

  take in sail 减少活动

  take in 接受

  take into account 重视

  take into consideration 考虑到

  take into one's head 突然想到要

  take it easy 别紧张

  take it on the lam 潜逃

  take it or leave it 要么接受要么放弃

  take it out in 接受抵押

  take it out of 报复

  take leave of one's senses 发疯

  take leave of 不辞劳苦

  take leave of 告别

  take liberties with 随意对待

  take measures 看一看

  take measures 设法

  take much count of 很重视

  take my word for it 相信我的话

  take name in vain 滥用名字

  take no account of 不考虑

  take no count of 不重视

  take note of 注意到

  take notes 作笔记

  take notice of 注意

  take notice 注意

  take occasion to 乘机

  take off one's coat 脱大衣

  take off the gloves 不饶恕

  take off 拿掉

  take offence 生气

  take on 披上

  take one thing with another 考虑各种情况

  take one's chance 碰运气

  take one's choice 选择

  take one's courage in both hands 勇往直前

  take one's davy 发誓

  take one's fancy 迎合某人的爱好

  take one's life in one‘s hand 冒险

  take one's medicine 受到惩罚

  take one's name off the books 退出

  take one's own course 一意孤行

  take one's own life 自杀

  take one's own line 干自己的本行

  take one's place 取代

  take one's seat 就座

  take one's time 从容不迫

  take one's way to 走向

  take oneself off 离开

  take order to 采取适当手段去

  take order with 安排

  take out of bond 提货

  take out 拿出

  take over 接管

  take pains 尽力

  take part in 参与

  take part with 支持

  take pepper in the nose 勃然大怒

  take pictures 照相

  take pity on 同情

  take place 发生

  take pleasure in 乐于

  take possession of 占有

  take precedence of 优先于

  take pride in 骄傲

  take rank with 并列

  take refuge 避难

  take root 生根

  take sanctuary 避难

  take service with 帮佣

  take shape 形成

  take shine to 喜欢

  take sick 生病

  take sides 偏袒

  take someone around a place 送……到各处

  take someone for 误认

  take stock in 注意

  take stock of 估计

  take stock 清查存货

  take ten 休息十分钟

  take the air line 走直线

  take the air 到户外

  take the bit between the teeth 不服控制

  take the bitter with the sweet 接受顺境和逆境

  take the bloom off 搞得不新鲜

  take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险

  take the cake 得奖

  take the consequences 承担后果

  take the count 被判败诉

  take the edge off 减弱

  take the fancy of 吸引

  take the field 开始比赛

  take the gilt off gingerbread 剥去诱人的外衣

  take the ground 搁浅

  take the initiative 带头

  take the King's shilling 入伍当兵

  take the laboring oar 担任最繁重的工作

  take the law into one's own hands 擅自处理

  take the lead 带头

  take the lid off 揭露

  take the place of 代替

  take the pledge 发誓戒酒

  take the plunge 尝试冒险

  take the rap 承担刑事责任

  take the reins 掌握

  take the road of

  take the road 出发

  take the rough with the smooth 能享乐也能吃苦

  take the salute 接受敬礼

  take the service 发球

  take the shine off 黯然失色

  take the trouble to 不怕麻烦去做

  take the will for the deed 心意领了

  take the wind of 占上风

  take thought for 担心

  take time off 抽出一部分时间

  take time out to 暂停

  take time 从容进行

  take to itself wings 消失

  take to one's bed 上床

  take to one's legs 逃跑

  take to the road 出发

  take to the woods 逃避责任

  take to 开始

  take toll of 夺去

  take turns 轮流

  take up an appointment 就职

  take up another's quarrel 帮人吵架

  take up arms 拿起武器

  take up one's abode with 与……一起居住

  take up one's livery 成为同业公会会员

  take up one's quarters 住下来

  take up the ball 值班

  take up the cudgels for 尽力捍卫

  take up the gauntlet 应战

  take up the glove 应战

  take up with something 发生兴趣

  take up with 亲密交往

  take up 拿起

  take upon oneself 承担

  take water 退却

  take wine with 祝酒

  take wing 逃走

  take 拿

  take-down 拆卸

  take-home pay 实得工资

  take-in 诈骗

  take-over 接管

  take-up 拉紧

  taken 拿走

  takeoff 起飞

  takeup 拿起

  taking it all round 全面来看

  taking one with another 总的来看

  taking 营业收入

  takingly 迷人地

  talaria 有翼凉鞋

  talbot 猎狗

  talc 滑石

  talcose 滑石的

  talcous 滑石的

  talcum powder 滑石粉

  talcum 滑石

  tale 故事

  tale-teller 搬弄是非者

  talebearer 散播谣言者

  talebearing 散布谣言

  talent scout 伯乐

  talent show 业余歌手演唱会

  talent 天才

  talented 有才能的

  talentless 无能的

  taler 德国旧银币

  tales 召集令

  talesman 候补陪审员

  taleteller 揭人隐私者

  taletelling 搬弄是非

  tali 斜面

  talion 以牙还牙

  talipot 大棕榈树

  talisman 护身符

  talismanic 护身符的

  talk about 谈论

  talk against time 用谈话消磨时间

  talk away 不断地谈

  talk back 反驳

  talk big 吹牛

  talk down to 傲视

  talk down 说服

  talk horse 吹牛

  talk into 说服

  talk nineteen to the dozen 喋喋不休

  Talk of the devil and he will appear 说到曹操

  talk off the top of one's head 即席发表谈话

  talk out 谈个明白

  talk over 商量

  talk round 说服

  talk sense 说话有道理

  talk shop 说行话

  talk show 谈话节目

  talk tall 吹牛

  talk the hind leg off a donkey 唠叨不停

  talk through one's hat 吹牛

  talk through one's neck 吹牛

  talk through the back of one's neck 吹牛

  talk to death 讨论否定

  talk to 谈话

  talk turkey 直率地说

  talk up 大声讲

  talk with 交谈

  talk 谈话

  talk-back 对讲电话

  talk-in 会议

  talkathon 冗长的讨论

  talkative 多嘴的

  talkatively 爱说话地

  talkativeness 爱说话

  talkee-talkee 喋喋不休

  talker 健谈者

  talkfest 恳谈会

  talkie 有声电影

  talking book 有声读物

  talking film 有声电影

  talking machine 留声机

  talking of 谈到

  talking picture 有声电影

  talking point 论据

  talking stage 讨论阶段

  talking 说话的

  talking-to 责备

  talky 多嘴的

  tall hat 高顶帽

  tall money 大宗财富

  tall order 离谱的要求

  tall tale 说大话

  tall talk 大话

  tall timber 偏僻地区

  tall 高的

  tallage 佃户税

  tallboy 高脚橱

  tallish 稍高的

  tallit 披巾

  tallness 高

  tallow candle 蜡烛

  tallow 牛脂

  tallow-faced 脸色苍白的

  tallowy 兽脂的

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