



  hair - n. the fine material that grows from the skin, especially from the head

  half - n. one of two equal parts of something

  halt - v. to come or cause to come to a stop; to stop

  hang - v. to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; to kill by hanging

  happen - v. to become a fact or event; to take place

  happy - ad. pleased; satisfied; feeling good; not sad

  hard - ad. not easily cut or broken; solid; difficult to do or understand; needing much effort or force

  harm - v. to injure; to damage; n. damage; hurt

  harvest - v. to gather crops; n. the crop after it is gathered

  hat - n. a head cover

  hate - v. to have strong emotions against; to consider as an enemy; opposite love

  have - v. to possess; to own; to hold

  he - pro. the boy or man who is being spoken about

  head - v. to lead; to command; n. leader; chief; the top part of something; the highest position

  headquarters - n. the center from which orders are given; the main offices of a business or organization

  heal - v. to return to good health; to cure; to become well

  health - n. the general condition of the body and mind; the condition of being free from sickness or disease

  hear - v. to receive sound through the ears; to receive news about

  heat - v. to make hot or warm; n. great warmth; that which is produced by burning fuel; energy from the sun

  heavy - ad. having much weight; not easy to lift; of great amount or force

  helicopter - n. a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground

  help - v. to give support; to assist; to make easier; n. support; aid

  here - ad. in, to or at this place

  hero - n. a person honored for being brave or wise

  hide - v. to prevent from being seen or found; to make secret

  high - ad. tall; far up; far above the ground; important; above others

  hijack - v. to seize or take control of a vehicle by force

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