


  That's all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good-bye.好了,希望我们今后还能给你帮助。再见。
  I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation.我打电话想知道我们的预约是否有可能取消。
  I have to postpone our appointment.我要把我们的约会延期。
  Is it too late to cancel our plans?现在取消我们的计划是否太迟了?
  How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back?想把定金拿回来,要提前多长时间通知你才行?
  Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation.喂,你好,我叫苏珊,我大电话确定我的预定。
  Yes, Miss Susan, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.您好,苏珊小姐,我们已为您定好了今晚一间豪华房间。
  Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park.很好,要定那个可以看到公园美丽景色的房间。
  Yes, Miss. I will.好的,小姐。我会注意的。
  Thanks a lot!多谢了!
  Not at all.不客气。
  Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alice's office.嗨,你好,我是埃里斯诊所的彼得。
  Hi, Peter.彼得,你好。
  I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.我打电话确认明天下午3点你约定的时间。
  Thank you. I will be there on time.谢谢你,我会准时到的。
  I need to confirm my reservation.我要确认我的预定。
  Can you confirm that the meeting is at 9:00 a.m.?你能否确认一下,开会的时间是早上9点吗?
  I just want to confirm that the arrangements have been made.我要确认所有计划都安排好了。
  I'm looking for whoever is in charge of your company.我要找你们公司的负责人。
  And I want to know a certain product of yours.我想问一下你们的产品。
  What about it? I may possibly be of help.什么产品?也许我能效劳。
  Well. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we got cloth that are all the wrong color.哦,很抱歉告诉你,我们发现你们寄送的布匹颜色搞错了。
  We asked for black and green, but we got white and red.我们要黑的和绿的,但你们送来的是白的和红的。
  I'll check on it immediately. What would you like us to do?我马上给你核对一下,你们想怎么办呢?
  Do you need us to replace them, or would you prefer a discount on the ones you've received?要我们重新给您换货,还是对已收到的这批货打折扣呢?
  Let me think about it. I'll let you know when you find out.让我考虑一下,具体怎么办我会通知你。
  I'd like to talk to the person responsible for sale.我想同你们负责销售的人谈谈。
  I'd like to be connected to your person who handles sale.我想和你们负责销售的人联络。
  What's the matter?出什么事了?
  What's wrong with it?电话英语
  I hate to tell you of this。很抱歉通知您。
  But we found that there are some faulty materials in goods which we have shipped to you.我们发觉前不久寄送给你们的那批货里有一些劣质品。
  Oh, that's quite unusual for your company, isn't it?哦,你们公司向来很少会出这种事情,不是吗?
  Well, I'm flattered.嗯,不敢当。
  What can we do to fix things?那现在我们要怎么办呢?
  We would like you to ship back all the goods to us.我们希望您能把整批货寄送回来。
  And we will send you a replacement right now.我们会马上补寄一批货过去。

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