

S srucharge (rate classification) 附加费率
  SB Safe berth 安全泊位

  SBT Segregated ballast tank 分割压载舱

  S/C surcharge 附加费率

  s & c shipper and carrier 托运人和承运人

  S.& F.A. shipping and forwarding agent 海运和货运代理

  SCHDL Schedule 时间表

  SCR specific commodity rate 特殊商品费率

  S.d small damage 小额损失

  SDR Special Drawing Right 特别提款权

  SF Stowage factor 积载因素

  SHEX(SSHEX) Sundays and Holidays excluded 星期日和节假日除外

  SHEXEIU Sundays and Holidays excepted even if used 即使使用,星期日和节假日亦除外

  SHEXUU Sundays and holidays excepted unless used 除非使用,星期日和节假日除外

  SHIPT Shipment 货载

  sld sailing date 开航日期

  s.l.& c. shippers'load and count 托运人装箱计数

  SLI shippers letter of instruction 托运人说明书

  S.O.L. shipowner's liability 船舶所有人的赔偿责任

  SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea 海上人命安全

  SP Safe port 安全港

  S.P.A. subject to particular average 以单独海损为条件

  SPD Speed 航速

  sq.cm(s) square centimeter(s) 平方厘米

  sq.in(s) square inch(es) 平方英寸

  SRCC strike, riots,civil commotions 罢工、*和内乱

  S/S steamship 轮船

  STOA Subject to Owner's approval 有待船东批准

  stvdrs Stevedores 装卸工

  SUB Subject to 有待于

  sub L/C subject to letter of credit being opened 以开出信用证为条件

  sub licence subject to licence being granted 以领到许可证为条件

  SW Salt water 海水

  SWL Safe Working Load 安全工作负责

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