

CVGP customs value per gross pound 海关价值,每磅毛重
  CWE cleared without examination 海关免验结关

  cwt hundredweight 担,英=112磅 美=100磅

  CWO cash with order 定货时付款/定购即付

  CY container yard 集装箱堆场

  cy currency 货币

  c.I.f. & I. Cost,insurance,freight, and interest 货价,保险费,运费,利息

  c.I.f. & c. cost, insurance, freight and commission 货价,保险费,运费,佣金

  c.I.f.c. & e. cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,佣金,兑换

  c.I.f.c. & I. Cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest 货价,保险费,运费,佣金,利息

  c.I.f.I. & c. cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission 货价,保险费,运费,利息,佣金

  c.I.f.L.t. cost, insurance and freight,London terms 货价,保险费,运费,伦敦条款

  c.I.f.w. cost, insurance and freight plus war risk 货价,保险费,运费及战险费

  CIM International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Railway 铁路货物运输国际公约

  CIP carriage and insurance paid to 运费及保险费支付到……

  CIV International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway 铁路乘客及行李运输国际公约

  CKD completely knocked down (unassembled) 全部拆散的(非装配的)

  Cl. Classification 分类,定级

  CLC Civil Liability Convention 国际由于损害民事责任公约

  clean B/L clean Bill of lading 清洁提单

  cm centimeters(s) 公分(厘米)

  cm3 cubic centimeter(s) 立方厘米

  CMR Convention on the Contract for the International 国际公路货运合同公约

  C/N consignment note 发货通知书

  cnee consignee 收货人

  cnmt/consgt consignment 托付

  cnor consignor 发货人,委托人

  C/O certificate of origin 产地证明书

  COA Contract of Affreightment 包运合同

  C.O.D. cash on delivery 货到付款

  C.O.F.C. Container-on –Flat-Car (rail flatcar) 平板车装运集装箱

  COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 海上货物运输法

  COM Commission 佣金

  CONS Consumption 消耗

  CAC currency adjustment charge 货币(贬值)附加费

  CAConf Cargo Agency Conference (IATA) 货物代理会议(国际航空运输协会)

  CAD cash against documents 凭单据付款

  CAF Currency adjustment factor 货币贬值附加费

  CAP Capacity 容量,能力

  CAPT Captain 船长

  CAS currency adjustment surcharge 货币贬值附加费

  CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System (IATA) 货物结算系统(国际航空运输协会)

  C.B. container base 集装箱基地

  CBF Cubic Feet 立方英尺

  c.& d. collection and delivery 收运费交货

  c.b.d. cash before delivery 付款后交货

  cbm cubic metre 立方米

  cc charges collect 货到付款

  CCL customs clearance 结关

  CCS consolidated cargo (contaiver) service 集货(集装箱拼装货服务)

  ccx collect 货到付款

  C/D customs declaration 海关申报单

  CEM European conference on goods train Timetables 货车时刻表欧洲会议

  CEVNI European code for Inland Waterways 欧洲内河航道代码

  CFM Confirm 确认

  CFR Cost and freight (Incoterms) 成本加运费(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站

  CGO Cargo 货物

  C.H. carriers haulage 集装箱承运人接运

  C.H.C. cargo handling charges 货物操作(装卸)费

  Ch.fwd. Charges forward 运费等货到后由收货人自付

  CHOPT Charterer's option 租方选择

  CHTRS Charterers 租船人

  c.I.a. cash in advance 预支现金

  CIF cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms) 到岸价(成本,保险费,运费)

  c.I.f.& e. cost,insurance,freight and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,货币兑换

  c.I.f.I. & e. cost,insurance,,freight,interest and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,利息兑换

  CVGP customs value per gross pound 海关价值,每磅毛重

  CWE cleared without examination 海关免验结关

  cwt hundredweight 担,英=112磅 美=100磅

  CWO cash with order 定货时付款/定购即付

  CY container yard 集装箱堆场

  cy currency 货币

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