


Article 17 Original Documents and Copies
第十七条 正本单据和副本单据
a. At least one original of each document stipulated in the credit must be presented.
a. 信用证中规定的各种单据必须至少提供一份正本。
b. A bank shall treat as an original any document bearing an apparently original signature, mark, stamp,

or label of the issuer of the document, unless the document itself indicates that it is not an original.
b. 除非单据本身表明其不是正本,银行将视任何单据表面上具有单据出具人正本签字、标志、图章或标签的单据为正本单据。
c. Unless a document indicates otherwise另外的, a bank will also accept a document as original if it:
c. 除非单据另有显示,银行将接受单据作为正本单据如果该单据:
i. appears to be written, typed, perforated or stamped by the document issuer’s hand; or
i. 表面看来由单据出具人手工书写、打字、穿孔签字或盖章;或
ii. appears to be on the document issuer’s original stationery; or
ii. 表面看来使用单据出具人的正本信笺;或
iii. states that it is original, unless the statement appears not to apply to the document presented.
iii. 声明单据为正本,除非该项声明表面看来与所提示的单据不符。 来源:www.examda.com
d. If a credit requires presentation of copies of documents, presentation of either originals or copies is permitted.
d. 如果信用证要求提交副本单据,则提交正本单据或副本单据均可。
e. If a credit requires presentation of multiple documents by using terms such as "in duplicate", "in two fold" or "in two copies",

this will be satisfied by the presentation of at least one original and the remaining number in copies, except when the document itself indicates otherwise.
e. 如果信用证使用诸如“一式两份”、“两张”、“两份”等术语要求提交多份单据,则可以提交至少一份正本,其余份数以副本来满足。但单据本身另有相反指示者除外。

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