


1,John cannot afford to go to university, ________ going abroad.
  A) nothing but
  B) anything but
  C) not to speak of
  D) nothing to speak of
  nothing but:只不过是;除了..都没有
  anything but:决不,一点也不
  not to speak of:更不用说
  nothing to speak of:不值一提
  2,Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior ________ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.
  A) involve
  B) compose
  C) enclose
  D) attach
  involve:vt. 使卷入,使参与,牵涉,包含,包括
  compose:vt. 构成,组成,创作
  enclose:v. 围绕,放入封套,装
  attach: v. 附上,使依恋,爱慕   
  3,If you don’t like to swim, you ________ as well stay at home.
  A) should
  B) may
  C) can
  D) would
  4,Dr. Smith was always ________ the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.
  A) reminded of
  B) absorbed in
  C) tended by
  D) concerned about
  remind of:使回想起
  be absorbed in:全神贯注于
  tend:v. 有某种的倾向,易于,移向(be tended by为被动结构)
  concern about:关心   
  5,Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth ________ of American Independence.
  A) ceremony
  B) occasion
  C) occurrence
  D) anniversary
  ceremony:n. 典礼,仪式,礼节
  occasion:n. 场合,机会,理由;v. 致使,惹起,引起
  occurrence:n. 发生,事件,发现
  anniversary:n. 周年纪念  
  6,A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and ________ your text more easily.
  A) register
  B) edit
  C) propose
  D) discharge
  register:vt. 注册,登记,(仪表等)显示,将(邮件)挂号;vi. 登记,注册;n. 登记薄,花名册
  edit:v. 编辑,编校,修订
  propose:v. 计划,打算,向...提议
  discharge:v. & n. 排出,放出,允许…离开,释放,放电
  7,We don’t know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such ________ colors.
  A) low
  B) humble
  C) mild
  D) dull
  low:n. 低点,低价,低;a. 低的,消沉的,低等的
  humble:a. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的;v.使谦卑
  mild:a. 温柔的,文雅的,轻微的,不重的,(烟、酒)味淡的
  dull:a. 枯燥的,迟钝的,(天气等)阴郁的,(颜色等)暗淡的
  8,The news has just ________ that the president is going to visit China next month.
  A) come down
  B) come up
  C) come out
  D) come about
  come down:(物价)下跌;落魄,潦倒.
  come up:发生,出现;走上前来
  come out:出现,显露;出版,发表;结果是
  come about:发生;产生
  9,The ________ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed.
  A) tension
  B) strain
  C) stress
  D) intensity
  tension:n. 紧张,不安
  strain:n. 极度紧张,张力,应力;vt. 拉紧,绷紧,扭伤,损伤
  stress:n. 压力,压迫,(精神或肉体的)紧张,压力,强调,重视;vt. 强调
  intensity:n. 强烈,紧张,强度;  
  10,The other day, Mum and I went to St. James’s Hospital, and they did lots and lots of tests on me, most of them ________ and frightening.
  A) cheerful
  B) horrible
  C) hostile
  D) friendly
  cheerful:a. 快活的,高兴的,兴高采烈
  horrible:a. 可怕的,极可憎的,极可厌的
  hostile: a. 怀敌意的,敌对的
  friendly:a. 友好的,亲切的,互助的;ad. 友善地,温和的

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