


Lesson 74 An Open-minded Dissertation 一篇思想开放的论文


  disregard vt. 不理会,不顾;蔑视

  disreputable adj. 声名狼藉的,品行不端的

  disrepute n. 坏名声,不光彩

  disrespectful adj. 无礼的,轻视的

  disrupt vt. 使混乱,使中断

  dissect v. 解剖(动植物等);详细研究,剖析

  dissemble v. 掩盖,掩饰

  disseminate vt. 传播,宣传

  dissenter n. 不同意者,反对者

  dissenting adj. 不同意的

  dissertation n. 论文

  dissident n. 持不同政见者;adj. 持不同政见的

  dissimilar adj. 不同的,相异的

  dissimulate v. 掩饰,隐藏

  dissipate vi. 消失,消散

  dissolute adj. 放荡的,无节制的,堕落的

  dissolve vt. 使溶解

  dissonance n. 不一致,不调和

  dissuade v. 劝阻,阻止

  distant adj. 远离的,遥远的

  “I think we can disregard this article,” said John, as he helped Mary prepare materials for her political science dissertation. “The author’s dissenting opinions have brought him into disrepute, especially among his peers.”

  “Wait a minute,” responded Mary. “I don’t consider a person to be disreputable just because he is a dissenter. Maybe he did disrupt their traditional thinking, but isn’t a little bit of dissonance healthy for the intellectual community? Dissimilar thinking sometimes leads to better ideas and progress. Besides, it’s not likely that he’s been disrespectful to his peers, right?”

  “I don’t know,” said John. “I do know he is a member of a dissident group. I have also heard that he leads a dissolute lifestyle, but that is probably just a nasty rumor. Sometimes I see him at the cafeteria near the university. He is always disseminating literature about his opinions. Our professors tell us it’s rubbish and try to dissuade us from reading it.”

  “Don’t you see what’s going on?” said Mary with a smile. “Your professors are trying to keep you from learning new ideas! They only call it rubbish to dissemble their real motives. When all the smoke dissipates, you’ll see the truth.”

  “Really?” replied John. “I can’t imagine professor Smith trying to dissimulate her true thoughts, she’s usually pretty candid. So is professor Doe.”

  “Are you from some distant planet?” asked Mary with a laugh. “Professor Smith dissects plants all day in botany class.

  Professor Doe spends most of his time dissolving chemicals in chemistry class. What could these two professors possibly know about political science?”






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