


__1__Which of the following philosophers ever said “I think, therefore I am”?
A Francis Bacon
B Deseartes
C Pierre Gassendi
D John Locke
__2__American Presidents are elected __.
A every two years
B every four years
C every five years
D every six years

__3__Which branch of American government has the power to interpret the Constitution?
A The Supreme Court
B The President
C The House
D The Senate

__4__The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in__.
A 1778
B 1783
C 1774
D 1787

__5__ Which country was the richest and the most powerful country in the Europe in the middle of the 17th century?
A Flander
B England
C France
D the Netherlands

__6__ Whose doctrines of the separation of powers became one of the most important principles of the U.S. Constitution?
A John Locke
B Montesquieau
C Rousseau
D Voltaire

__7__The “basies” taught in American elementary schools are __.
A social studies, reading, arithmetic
B science, reading, writing, arithmetic
C reading, writing, arithmetic
D physical education, reading, writing

__8__ The Gettysburg victory was the turning point of __.
A the Civil War
B the war of Independence
C the Indian War
D the Trenton War

__9__ The functions of institutions of highest education in the U.S. are__.
A research and teaching
B teaching and degree awarding
C professional training, teaching and public service
D teaching, research and pubic service

__10__ The largest religious group in America is __.
A Roman Catholics
B Protestants
C Orthodox
D Presbyterians

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