考研英语语法:从"So do I"谈起

考研英语语法:从"So do I"谈起,第1张

考研英语语法:从"So do I"谈起,第2张

两人对话,乙方对甲方的问话常可用简短回答作出反应。例如: Do you like it? -- Yes,I do.这同样适用于陈述句的场合: You worry too much.-- No,I don't.在后一种情况下,乙方也能"So+do+主语"之类的结构表示看法。
  A:I like apples.
  B:So do I.(= I like apples,too。)
  这里的so在意义上相当于in the same way,即同样、也那样,作简短反应表示同样看法时常用之。
  1."So+do+主语"结构在简短反应中表示"我也如此"或"另外一个人也如此"时,也就是主语不同于上文的主语以及上文并无可用于构成倒装的动词(即操作词时),可用此结构。例如: A:I like playing football. B:So do I./So does my brother./So did my father. 如果上文有可用于构成倒装的动词时,则用相同的动词或根据不同人称用同类的动词。 I must go -- So must I. John can speak French.--So can I. I've got a new car.--So has John. She is clever.-- So is he.
  2."Neither/Nor + do +主语" 结构如果上文表示否定意义而在简短反应中表示同样看法时,可用此结构。例如,甲方说I can't swim,乙方如果想表示"我也不会游泳",英语可以说 Neither can I. / Nor can I(=I can't either)。
  又例如: A:He doesn't speak French. B:Neither/Nor do I. Neither/Nor does my brother. Neither/Nor does my father. 关于以上两种结构,有两点说明:
  第一,能用动词缩略形式。例如: I'm going to London. ---So's John。(is) I've been to New York. ---So's John.(has) I'd have gone to Tokyo if I could.---So'd John.(would) John hasn't got a visa. ---Nor've do I.(have) Jim and Mary aren't acting in the college play. ---Neither's Peter.(is)
  第二,上述甲乙对话如用and连成一句可出自一人之口。例如: John can speak French and so can't I. John can't speak French and neither/ nor can I. John speaks French and so do I. John doesn't speak French and neither/nor do I. 上述斜体部分相当于and I can, too / and I can't either / and I do too / and I don't either 的意思。 
  3."So+主语+do"结构在简短反应中,对别人所说的情况加以肯定以及主语与上文主语相同时,可用此结构,注意,这里不用倒装同序;so 的意义相当于indeed, certainly,即"不错"、"对了"。例如: A:John smokes a lot. B: So he does.(=He smokes a lot indeed.) 这类简短反应往往带有说话人的惊奇口吻。例如: A:Look,it's raining! B: So it is. 在这里,So it is的含义是 You are right! It is raining;and this surprises me.  
  如果乙方想对甲方所否定的情况加以肯定时,可用此结构(注:在这类结构中,neither少见)例如:Look! It isn't raining any more!
  ---Nor it is!
  This cup hasn't got a handle!
  ---Nor it has!
  四种结构的介绍就到此为止。下面从L.A. Hill所著 An Intermediate Refresher course 一书摘引一则对话供初学者观察上述四种结构在上下文中的使用情况。
  Derothy: Look it's raining!
  Donald: So it is! I'm not going out this afternoon now.
  Dorothy:Nor am I. You and I haven't got anything to do this evening, you know.
  Donald: Nor we have! We can go to the cinema then.
  Derothy: So we can.
  Donald: There's a good film on at the "Metropole".
  Derothy: So there is! Shall we go?
  Denald: Yes, let's.
  Derothy: But it doesn't start until 6 o'clock.
  Denald: Nor it does! I thought there was an early performance too.
  Dorothy:So did I . Well, I don't want to sit about doing nothing until 6.
  Donald: Nor do I …Oh, look, it isn't raining any more.
  Dorothy: Nor it is! I'd like to go for a walk.
  Donald: So would I…OH, who's that coming up the road?
  Dorothy: It's the postman.
  Donald: So it is! He's very early. The evening newspaper hasn't even arrived yet.
  Dorothy: Nor it has! That's late today. I hope the postman has a letter for us.
  Donald: So do I - but I don't want any more bills!
  Dorothy: Nor do I!
  Donald: Here he is…there's a parcel for us!
  Dorothy: So there is! I wonder who sent it.
  Donald: So do I. I wasn't expecting a parcel.
  Dorothy: Nor was I. Oh, it's from Mother - they are woolen clothes for the baby!
  Donald: So they are! She must have knitted them herself!
  Dorothy: There's no letter in the parcel.
  Donald: Nor there is! I find that strange.
  Dorothy: So do I. She always writes to us on Sundays. Oh, well, perhaps we shall get a letter from her tomorrow.

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