Action English (216),第1张

Action English (216),第2张

Taxi Driver 出租车司机 导演:热拉尔·皮雷斯 主演:萨米·纳塞利、弗雷德里克·迪埃方达



  American slang 美国俚语

  something just add up (片中)

  something doesn't add up 百事不得其解

  例:I went thought the entire experiment again and something just doesn't add up .


  Classic film clips 经典对白

  (1)freelance 自由职业者

  To pay for university, I was a freelance writer for various sports publications.
  While modeling, henry also did some freelance photography.

  (2)It rings a bell 听起来耳熟

  例:This name rings a bell, I may have met here before.

  A:Have you ever read " Beloved".
  B:"Beloved"?It rings a bell.


  Movie Tunes 原声碟

  When You're Good to Mama

  And now, ladies and gentlemen
  The keeper of the keys
  The Countess of the Clink
  The mistress of Murderer's Row
  Matron Mama Morton

  Ask any of the chickies in my pen

  They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother hen
  I love 'em all and all of them love me
  Because the system works
  The system called reciprocity……
  Got a little motto
  Always sees me through
  When you're good to Mama
  Mama's good to you.
  There's a lot of favors
  I'm prepared to do
  You do one for Mama
  She'll do one for you.
  They say that life is tit for tat
  And that's the way I live
  So, I deserve a lot of tat
  For what I've got to give
  Don't you know that this hand
  Washes that one too
  When you're good to Mama
  Mama's good to you!
  If you want my gravy
  Pepper my ragout
  Spice it up for Mama
  She'll get hot for you
  When they pass that basket
  Folks contribute to
  You put in for Mama
  She'll put out for you
  The folks atop the ladder
  Are the ones the world adores
  So boost me up my ladder, Kid
  And I'll boost you up yours
  Let's all stroke together
  Like the Princeton crew
  When you're strokin' Mama
  Mama's strokin' you
  So what's the one conclusion
  I can bring this number to?
  When you're good to Mama
  Mama's good to you!

  赏析:歌曲选自《芝加哥》/ Chicago 故事梗概:




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