


Data and Number System

  We all know and understand the decimal number system; this is the number system we use daily.   

  In the computer world, the binary number systems the system used. All data is stored and manipulated inside the computer in binary.That is, within the computer all data is reduced to 1's and 0's.This 1'sand 0's are stored in logic circuits called registers, or they are stored in memory. The size of a register or memory location varies according to the kind of computer used.

  Today's microcomputers will store either 8 or 16binary digits in each location. Large computers may store as many as 125 binary digits in each location.

  We normally enter data into the computer in some number system other than binary because entering data in binary is too time-consuming and too prone to error—too many 1's and 0's.Data is entered into the computer using the decimal, octal, or hexadecimal number systems.Octal and hexadecimal are used most often because they are more closely related to binary than is the decimal system. It Is Important to our understanding of these number system-that we know how they are related one to another.




  在计算机世界中,所用的数系是二进制数系。所有的数据在计算机内部都是以二进制(形式)存储和处理的,就是说,在计算机内部所有数据都归结为1和0这些1和 0存储在称为寄存器的逻辑电路中,或者它们被存储在存储器中,寄存器或存储器单元的大小,按照所用的计算机的种类而变化。



Binary Number System

  In the binary number system, there are two dig-its:0 and I.The binary system is used for internal computer operations because only two signal levels are required, as opposed to decimal where ten signal levels would be necessary.Because a digit in the units position has a value of 0 or I,numbers greater than 1cause a carry to the next position, each position represents the base raised to a power. In base 10, the units position has a power of 100, the next position 10 l,and so on. Thus, a digit in any position other than the units position has a weight (value) depending on its positioning the number. A 4,for example, has a weight of 4 in the units position, 40 in the 10's position, 400 in the100's position and so on.

  In binary, or base 2, the same reasoning applies. The units position has a power of 20, the next position21,and so on. As illustrated in Figure 1-5 a binary digit in any position other than the unit’s position has weight depending on its position in the number. A Has a weight of 1 in the units position, 2 in the 2'sposition, 4 in the 4's position and so on. Binary digits are called bits (a contraction of "binary digits").Therefore, the digit in the units position is called the east-Significant Bit (LSB) ,and so on until we reach the Most-Significant Bit (MSB).




  在二进制中(其基为2)应用同样的类推,个位具有权为2。,下一位具有权为2,等等。如图1-5所示,在任意位置上(除了个位之外)的二进制数字所具有的权,取决于此数字在该数中的位置。1在个位上具有的 为1,在2的位置上权为2,在4的位置上权为4,等等。二进制数字称为比特C bit它由”binary digits”缩写而成)。因此,在个位上的数字被称作“最低有效位”(LSB)等等,一直到我们到达“有效位”(MSB)为止。

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