






  Cathay's Utopia - Peach-Blossom-Source Tr. Manfield Zhu Once a time there was a fisherman whose native land was called Wuling, in the Taiyuan Period of Time of the Jin Dynasty [265-420], China. He was walking along a creek-riverside, with no sense of how far away from his start. All of a sudden, he was surprised to find a Peach-Blossom-Grove, and on both sides across the creek with hundreds-of-feet-wide land, no other trees but peach ones grow with fresh and sweet grass petals falling in riotous profusion. Going on forward, he wanted to pass through the whole grove reaching a fountainhead near a mountain.哭金:好象倒数第二句有误,最后一句就不对了,原文是不知有山的吧During the Taiyuan era [2] of the Jin Dynasty [3] there was a man of Wuling [4] who made his living as a fisherman. Once while following a stream he forgot how far he had gone. He suddenly came to a grove of blossoming peach trees. It lined both banks for several hundred paces and included not a single other kind of tree. Petals of the dazzling and fragrant blossoms were falling everywhere in profusion. Thinking this place highly unusual, the fisherman advanced once again in wanting to see how far it went. The peach trees stopped at the stream's source, where the fisherman came to a mountain (with a small opening through which it seemed he could see light.)

  [1] Chinese nature poet, c. 365-427. This prose story is one of the poet's most well-known works. [2] 376-396. [3] 265-420 (actually two sequential dynasties, the “Western” and the “Eastern”)。

  tx: Once a time in the years of Taiyuan in the Jin dynasty, there lived a fisherman in the Wuling region. He was walking along a creek and had no sense of how far away he had strayed. He was surprised to find himself suddenly amid a sea of peach trees. Stretching hundreds of paces on both sides of the stream, the grove contained nothing but blossoming peach trees. The fisherman was amazed by the sight: The ground was a green carpet of fresh and sweet grass. The falling flower petals danced riotously in the air before they finally fell to the ground. Wanting to find out how deep the grove was, he kept going on forward. When the grove ended he was near the beginning of the stream and at the heel of a mountain. 574lxp:

  In the Taiyuan period of the Jin [265-420 A.D.] dynasty, there was a fisherman from Wuling. One day He was rowing along a creek and had forgotten about the distance. All of a sudden, he was surprised to himself in a blossoming peach grove astride the stream for a width of several hundred steps. There was no other trees in the grove, and the ground was covered with a carpet of sweet fresh grass as numerous flowers were falling gracefully. Interested in finding out end of the grove, the fisherman continued his journey. As he approached the edge, he came across the source spring of the creek flowing out of a mountain.补充:“缘溪行”从上下文来看应该理解成“划船而行”,故“行”似应译为ROW. cream139 Once a time in the years of Taiyuan in Jin dynasty, a fishman of Wuling was walking along the river,forgetting how far he had gone gradually.Suddenly he saw a expanse of Peach-Blossom-Grove,hundreds of steps away from the riverbank.No other trees in it,but peach trees,grass were so verdant and the falling bossoms were flying.With great surprise,the fishman walked ahead,in order to pass it.Finally,when he arrived the end of the groove,just the river source ,he saw a mountain

  journey林尽水源,便得一山(He just took a leisurely walk as he pleased) when he arrived at the end of the grove and at the source of the creek, he just caught sight of a hill.

  哭金: 林尽水源,便得一山。



  这一句我觉得creamMM更接近“便得一山”那个味道(但see a mountain恐不合适,太近不能见全貌),“林尽水源”却是tx达意了,期待啊……哈哈


  There was a small hole seemingly glittering in front of the mountain. And he left his boat, entering the hole as an open door being so narrow that only one man could press himself to penetrate into it. Continuing for over tens-of-feet distance, he found the view instantly clearing up.(The peach trees stopped at the stream's source, where the fisherman came) to a mountain with a small opening through which it seemed he could see light. Leaving his boat, he entered the opening. At first it was so narrow that he could barely pass, but after advancing a short distance it suddenly opened up to reveal a broad, flat area with imposing houses, good fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees, bamboo, and the like. cream139 It seemed some light shining through a pass in the mountain;therefore the fisherman gave up his boat and entered into.Ratter narrow at first,only one man were allowed;but over tens of steps later,it enlarged suddenly.

  离人There was a small cave and there seemed lights at the end of it. He got off the boat and entered the cave, which was very narrow at the entrance,barely enough for a man to squeeze through. After a few tens of steps, the passage way widened and he found himself suddenly at the end of the tunnel. 574lxp There was a small cave on the mountain and through it he seemed to see some dim light. So the fisherman got off his boat and made his way to the entrance. Initially the passage was so narrow that it barely allowed a single person to pass through. As he resumed the adventure and took another dozens of steps, the cave, all of a stunning sudden, became wide open.哭金“豁然开朗”,寥寥四字又开一新境界,神!豁然指景,开朗喻心,译作属tr. manfield zhu“the view instantly clearing up”感觉逼真《哈哈》,有见大光明的欣喜。



  The land being spacious, houses set out in neat order. On the rich land with a beautiful pool, growing were bamboo, mulberry and the like. Everywhere was in good connections with crisscross footpaths between fields where cocks' crying and dogs' barking could be faintly heard, and all the farmers were plowing, sowing or weeding back and forth. The clothing of men or women was similar to the people outside. The people, old and young, felt happy and pleased with themselves. The fisherman saw paths extending among the fields in all directions, and could hear the sounds of chickens and dogs. Men and women working in the fields all wore clothing that looked like that of foreign lands. The elderly and children all seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves.


  However, they were terribly surprised to see the fisherman, and asked where he came from. The fisherman answered their questions one by one. And then he was invited to visit their own houses for dinner with wine and chicken cooked by themselves. As the news that the stranger was coming in the village was told, all the villagers wanted to inquire what had happened. The people were amazed to see the fisherman, and they asked him from where he had come. He told them in detail, then the people invited him to their home, set out wine, butchered a chicken [5], and prepared a meal. Other villagers heard about the fisherman, and they all came to ask him questions. [4] A place in present-day Hunan Province. [5] “……set out wine, butchered a chicken”: A stock phrase meaning to entertain a guest lavishly.

  古亭: The villagers were terribly surprised to see the fisherman. They asked where he came from and the fisherman answered all their questions. They invited him home for dinner. Wine and freshly cooked chicken were served. As the news of the stranger spread through the village, people all came and asked about the outside world. cream139 Seeing the fishman,the villagers were taken aback;Asking him where he came from,they got detailed reply from the fishman.Then they warmly invited the fishman to their home,preparing wine and chicken for dinner;people in that village hearing someone from outside world coming,they all crowded together and wanted to ask the fishman a lot of question.自云先世避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉;遂与外人间隔。问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。

  The host told the stranger that his forefather evading the Qin-Dynasty's social disorder with the turmoil of war, brought his wife and good neighbors to get to the desperate cave, and had never gone out and eventually separated from human beings outside. When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han Dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei Dynasty [386-556] or the Jin Dynasty. However, the fisherman told him what had taken place outside, and all of them sighed in astonished manners.

  哭金:邑人和绝境值得商榷Then the villagers told him, “To avoid the chaos of war during the Qin Dynasty [6], our ancestors brought their families and villagers to this isolated place and never left it, so we've had no contact with the outside world.” They asked the fisherman what the present reign was. They were not even aware of the Han Dynasty [7], let alone the Wei [8] and Jin. The fisherman told them everything he knew in great detail, and the villagers were amazed and heaved sighs. [6] 221-206 B.C. [7] 206 B.C. to A.D. 220. [8] A.D. 220-265.

  cream139 They said that in order to shy away from the chaos in Qing dynasty, their ancestors arrived in this wonderful place leading their wives and neighbors, and never left;therefore they secluded themselves from the outer world naturally.They asked what the time is in outer world.They didn't know about Han dynasty,not to mention Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty.The fisherman told them what he had heard in detail,they all sign and felt pity for Qin .问今是何世 —— They asked what the time is in outer world.

  哭金sign?太棒了哦,感觉渔人知道桃花园会名垂千古而求签名呢,并顺道为秦赈灾义演奶奶,问错了,该是村民问渔人吧,而且桃花源和外面没时差的古亭1. I think there were more than one host. 2. “妻子” may mean families (wives and offspring)

  3. I agree with kuku. “绝境” is NO “desperate cave.” It's more like a“desolate valley” or “isolated dell.”4. 邑人 = “fellow villagers” What do you think, kuku. 5. 不复出焉 = never ventured out?

  6. Maybe we don't have to take 外人 so literally? How about just the“outside world”?

  古亭 They related that, to escape the social unrest of the Qin dynasty,their forefathers brought families and fellow villagers to the desolate valley. The residents had never ventured out since and, with time, lost contacts with the outside world.云 = relate (tell; to give an account of), to give the translation a quaint look避 = escape (to get away, as by flight; to avoid a threatening evil), seems a very nice fit乱 = social unrest, the original translation seemed so wordy秦时 = chose “of the Qin dynasty” instead of“in the Qin dynasty.”先世 = forefathers, I could've used “ancestors.”率 = bring (to lead or cause to come along with one toward the place)

  妻子 = family (wifes and offsprings)

  邑人 = fellow villagers The residents had never ventured . . . Introduce “the residents,” to avoid repeating “they”出 = venture out since (from a definite past time until now), choosing to convey 复遂 = in time, to show the separation from the outside world was gradual


  [Ref] When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han Dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei Dynasty [386-556] or the Jin Dynasty. [Cream] They asked what the time is in outer world. They didn';t know about Han dynasty, not to mention Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty.

  They asked what era it was. As it turned out, the residents had never heard of Han, let alone the Wei and Jin Dynasties.此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。

  [Ref] However, the fisherman told him what had taken place outside, and all of them sighed in astonished manners. [Cream] The fisherman told them what he had heard in detail,they all sign and felt pity for Qin .

  He told them what had since happened in the outside world, and they all suspired with astonishment.

  古亭era: A period of time in history characterized by particular circumstances,events, or personages:

  the Colonial era of U.S. history;

  the Kennedy era;

  the Victorian era问今是何世[ref]: he was asked to tell which dynasty it was. [cream]: they asked what the time is in outer world. [gt]: they asked what era it was.哭哭: 桃花源的人并不知道是否改朝换代了,所以[ref]用dynasty不妥;由前文知其先祖为秦国或秦朝人,所以他们问的应该是“外面现在是哪位秦王或秦几世当政”。诸公以为如何


  [Zhu] —— Besides the first household, the rest ones also invited him to visit their own house respectively, entertaining him with foods and drinks. He had stayed cordially for several days and left off. The local people living in the Utopia-like cave said to him: “Don't tell anything about us to anyone outside.”Then other villagers also invited the fisherman to their homes, where they gave him food and drink. After several days there, the fisherman bid farewell, at which time some villagers told him, “It's not worth telling people on the outside about us.” [9] [9] The villagers would just as soon keep their existence secret.


  Besides the first household, the rest villagers also invited him to visit their own house respectively, entertaining him with foods and drinks. After several days there, the fisherman bid farewell, at which time some villagers told him, “It's not worth telling people outside about us.”

  古亭以下是引用哭金在2003-5-30 15:43:00的发言:


  [Zhu] —— Besides the first household, the rest ones also invited him to visit their own house respectively, entertaining him with foods and drinks. He had stayed cordially for several days and left off. The local people living in the Utopia-like cave said to him: “Don';t tell anything about us to anyone outside.”[Ivy] —— Besides the first household, the rest villagers also invited him to visit their own house respectively, entertaining him with foods and drinks. After several days there, the fisherman bid farewell, at which time some villagers told him, “It's not worth telling people outside about us.”The word “rest” being used as an adjective. Rather unusual.既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之。乃郡下,诣太守说如此。太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志,遂迷不复得路。

  [zhu] on purpose he recorded everywhere with a sign he had passed by as soon as he went out, paddling his boat along the waterway. arriving at wuling county, the fisherman called on the magistrate to report what he had seen there. at once the prefecture official sent men to detect the exact cave according to the marks made by the fisherman. however, the men were too puzzled to find the exact way. [davis] the fisherman exitted through the opening, found his boat, and retraced his route while leaving markers to find this place again. upon his arrival at the prefecture town he went to the prefect and told him what had happened. the prefect immediately sent a person to follow the fisherman and look for the trail markers, but they got lost and never found the way.哭金:比一比,[davis]好多了

  古亭1. exitted the past tense of “exit” is “exited.”2. “leaving markers”doesn't seem enough for “处处志之”。

  3. he went to the prefect and told him what had happened. would this be better: he reported to the prefect what had happened?

  4. a person just one man? was the prefect so short-handed?

  古亭:the fisherman exited through the opening, found his boat, and retraced his route. he left plenty of markers so as to find this place again. upon arriving at the prefecture town, he reported to the prefect what had happened. the prefect immediately sent some of his men to follow the fisherman and look for the trail markers. but they got lost and could never find the way.南阳刘子骥,高尚士也;闻之,欣然规往。未果,寻病终。後遂无问津者。

  [Davis] Liu Ziji of Nanyang was a person of noble character. When he heard this story he was happy and planned to visit the Shangri-la, but he died of illness before he could accomplish it. After that no one else ever looked for the place. [10] A retired scholar of the Jin Dynasty. [11] A place in present-day Henan Province.

  古亭:Liu Ziji, a gentleman of Nanyang, heard the story and found it exciting. He tried in vain to seek out the place. He fell ill and died later. There hadn't been any new interest since then. Note:

  1. 高尚士gentleman: a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior 2. 欣然I think it's more a matter of “excitement” than “happiness.”3. “no one else”Do think “else” is redundant here. cream139 later,no one was interested in finding it anymore

  Cathay's Utopia - Peach-Blossom-Source Tr. Manfield Zhu

  Once a time there was a fisherman whose native land was called Wuling, in the Taiyuan Period of Time of the Jin Dynasty [265-420], China. He was walking along a creek-riverside, with no sense of how far away from his start. All of a sudden, he was surprised to find a Peach-Blossom-Grove, and on both sides across the creek with hundreds-of-feet-wide land, no other trees but peach ones grow with fresh and sweet grass petals falling in riotous profusion. Going on forward, he wanted to pass through the whole grove reaching a fountainhead near a mountain. There was a small hole seemingly glittering in front of the mountain. And he left his boat, entering the hole as an open door being so narrow that only one man could press himself to penetrate into it. Continuing for over tens-of-feet distance, he found the view instantly clearing up. The land being spacious, houses set out in neat order. On the rich land with a beautiful pool, growing were bamboo, mulberry and the like. Everywhere was in good connections with crisscross footpaths between fields where cocks' crying and dogs' barking could be faintly heard, and all the farmers were plowing, sowing or weeding back and forth. The clothing of men or women was similar to the people outside. The people, old and young, felt happy and pleased with themselves. However, they were terribly surprised to see the fisherman, and asked where he came from. The fisherman answered their questions one by one. And then he was invited to visit their own houses for dinner with wine and chicken cooked by themselves. As the news that the stranger was coming in the village was told, all the villagers wanted to inquire what had happened. The host told the stranger that his forefather evading the Qin-Dynasty's social disorder with the turmoil of war, brought his wife and good neighbors to get to the desperate cave, and had never gone out and eventually separated from human beings outside. When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han Dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei Dynasty [386-556] or the Jin Dynasty. However, the fisherman told him what had taken place outside, and all of them sighed in astonished manners.

  Besides the first household, the rest ones also invited him to visit their own house respectively, entertaining him with foods and drinks. He had stayed cordially for several days and left off. The local people living in the Utopia-like cave said to him: “Don't tell anything about us to anyone outside.” on purpose he recorded everywhere with a sign he had passed by as soon as he went out, paddling his boat along the waterway. arriving at wuling county, the fisherman called on the magistrate to report what he had seen there. at once the prefecture official sent men to detect the exact cave according to the marks made by the fisherman. however, the men were too puzzled to find the exact way.


  Peach Blossom Shangri-la Tao YuanMing This page copyright ? 2002 Blackmask Online. http://www.blackmask.com Translated and proofed by Rick Davis and David Steelman

  During the Taiyuan era [2] of the Jin Dynasty [3] there was a man of Wuling [4] who made his living as a fisherman. Once while following a stream he forgot how far he had gone. He suddenly came to a grove of blossoming peach trees. It lined both banks for several hundred paces and included not a single other kind of tree. Petals of the dazzling and fragrant blossoms were falling everywhere in profusion. Thinking this place highly unusual, the fisherman advanced once again in wanting to see how far it went. The peach trees stopped at the stream's source, where the fisherman came to a mountain with a small opening through which it seemed he could see light. Leaving his boat, he entered the opening. At first it was so narrow that he could barely pass, but after advancing a short distance it suddenly opened up to reveal a broad, flat area with imposing houses, good fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees, bamboo, and the like. The fisherman saw paths extending among the fields in all directions, and could hear the sounds of chickens and dogs. Men and women working in the fields all wore clothing that looked like that of foreign lands. The elderly and children all seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves. The people were amazed to see the fisherman, and they asked him from where he had come. He told them in detail, then the people invited him to their home, set out wine, butchered a chicken [5], and prepared a meal. Other villagers heard about the fisherman, and they all came to ask him questions. Then the villagers told him, “To avoid the chaos of war during the Qin Dynasty [6], our ancestors brought their families and villagers to this isolated place and never left it, so we've had no contact with the outside world.” They asked the fisherman what the present reign was. They were not even aware of the Han Dynasty [7], let alone the Wei [8] and Jin. The fisherman told them everything he knew in great detail, and the villagers were amazed and heaved sighs. Then other villagers also invited the fisherman to their homes, where they gave him food and drink. After several days there, the fisherman bid farewell, at which time some villagers told him, “It's not worth telling people on the outside about us.” [9] The fisherman exited through the opening, found his boat, and retraced his route while leaving markers to find this place again. Upon his arrival at the prefecture town he went to the prefect and told him what had happened. The prefect immediately sent a person to follow the fisherman and look for the trail markers, but they got lost and never found the way. Liu Ziji [10] of Nanyang [11] was a person of noble character. When he heard this story he was happy and planned to visit the Shangri-la, but he died of illness before he could accomplish it. After that no one else ever looked for the place.


  Translator's Notes [1] Chinese nature poet, c. 365-427. This prose story is one of the poet's most well-known works. [2] 376-396. [3] 265-420 (actually two sequential dynasties, the“Western” and the “Eastern”)。

  [4] A place in present-day Hunan Province. [5] “……set out wine, butchered a chicken”: A stock phrase meaning to entertain a guest lavishly. [6] 221-206 B.C. [7] 206 B.C. to A.D. 220. [8] A.D. 220-265. [9] The villagers would just as soon keep their existence secret. [10] A retired scholar of the Jin Dynasty. [11] A place in present-day Henan Province.

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