

Carrying Sticks and Asking for a Flogging


  To offer a sincere apology.


  During the Warring States Period the king of the State of Qin invited the king of the State of Zhao to a meeting in the territory of Qin. At a banquet in honor of his guest, the king of Qin asked the king of Zhao to play the zither. Although, this was a most humiliating request, the king of Zhao dared not refuse.

  Lin Xiangru, a senior official of Zhao, who had accompanied his master to Qin, was outraged. So he picked up a large jar, strode up to the king of Qin with it and insisted that he play it like a drum. Intimidated by the fierce Lin, the king of Qin reluctantly struck the jar with his hand once. Thereupon, the assembled ministers of Qin demanded that Zhao hand over 15 cities to Qin in compensation for Lin Xiangru's offense. But Lin coolly demanded that Qin present its capital Xanyang to the king of Zhao as a forfeit for the king of Qin's insult to his visitor. The result was a stalemate, but the king of Zhao's face had been saved. In gratitude, the king promoted Lin Xiangru to the post of grand vizier.

  This honor done to Lin Yiangru, however, aroused the resentment of Lian Po, the commander-in-chief of the Zhao army. Lian Po grumbled, "I reached my position after risking my life in battle after battle. Yet this fellow Lin Yiangru climbs right to the top of the tree just through talking! I am determined to humiliate this upstart in public as soon as I meet him." When this threat was conveyed to Lin Xiangru he shut himself up indoors, pretending to be ill, so as to avoid meeting Lian Po.

  One day Lin Xiangru went out in his carriage. Seeing Lian Po's carriage coming from the opposite direction, he ordered his driver to turn around to avoid a confrontation with Lian Po. This caused his acquaintances to mock him as a coward. But Lin Xiangru said to them: "Who do you think is more powerful, General Lian or the king of Qin?" "The king of Qin, of course," they replied. Then Lin continued, "You remember that I dared to upbraid the king of Qin public within his own domain, so how could I fear General Lian? The fact is that the only thing that deters Qin from invading Zhao is the presence of General Lian at the head of our army and myself at the head of the administration. If we two were at loggerheads Qin might be tempted to invade. I cannot risk the safety of the state for my own petty pride."

  When these words were conveyed to Lian Po he was overcome with remorse. He straightaway gathered up a bundle of wooden sticks, tied them onto his naked back and appeared before Lin Xiangru in an attitude of humble apology.










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