

Going into the new year, the often rocky relationship between Singapore and Malaysia has taken a new twist and it seems that the situation could become increasingly volatile.

  Malaysian political leaders have been showing a complete lack of diplomacy. Examples include the selective political amnesia on the dispute over the sovereignty of Pedra Branca, the claim of military threats posed by neighbouring countries, the frivolity in using war rhetoric and adopting an aggressive stance.

  It is apparent that the Malaysian leadership, led by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, for the sake of gaining political mileage at home, is prepared to endanger the sensitive and vulnerable ties between Singapore and Malaysia by whipping up nationalist sentiments against Singapore to create tension and anxiety. Such inept foreign policy tactics are extremely perplexing and disappointing.

  As a political leader of a country, Dr Mahathir should be keenly aware of the significance of his words, their political implications and impact on Malaysia's foreign relations. Although he was not specific in his war rhetoric with reference to the potential aggressor, as an immediate neighbour to Malaysia, Singapore is naturally seen as the implicit enemy.

  Notwithstanding whether such diplomatic behaviour is acceptable, the danger of such talk is that it could easily be manipulated by politicians with ulterior motives to score political points and advance individual or party agenda.

  There is also the question of whether the Malaysian government is able to control the media reactions and emotional outbursts of the people arising from such remarks. If political leaders are compelled consequently to ride on the popular sentiments that they have created, they would be walking down a path of no return and paying the price for their irresponsible actions. This is a matter of concern.

  Ties between Singapore and Malaysia have always been delicate and marked by ups and downs as well as occasional disagreements.

  Singapore's stand has always been for a reciprocal and sincere relationship that takes into account the differences between both sides.

  However, Malaysia's foreign policy towards Singapore has frequently been dictated by changes in domestic politics.

  Malaysian leaders should appreciate that to build up a nation's sense of dignity and credibility requires not only the country's own effort, but also the respect and recognition accorded to it by other countries in the world. Respect has to be earned, not demanded. And they should practise this basic principle starting with their immediate neighbours.

  It is in the long-term interests of Malaysia to put an end to all pretences and political opportunism.

  This would prevent further damage to the weak regional investment environment which has yet to recover from the threat of terrorism.

  It would also mitigate the uncertainty and instability in the region and avoid impeding the economic recovery and growth of countries in the region.

  Over the dispute of Pedra Branca, Malaysian leaders had once said that Malaysia's “tolerance and accommodation” of Singapore was due to their aversion of being seen as a bully to a small country.

  Perhaps it has never crossed their minds that whether a nation is perceived as“big”or“small”may also depend on factors such as the consistency in its foreign policy, the political foresight of its leaders and the openness of its people. The“size”of a country in terms of land area is a meaningless statistic in itself.

  How should Singapore and Malaysia relate to each other in future? Do we want to erect more barriers or should we open up and create a mechanism to facilitate sincere exchanges? For peace-loving Singaporeans and Malaysians, the choice is obvious.

  For the sake of peace and harmony in the region, Malaysian leaders should accept that domestic political needs should not be met at the expense of good ties with its neighbours. They should also refrain from comments that are not beneficial to its neighbours.

  Finally, as Singaporeans, we should not only rely on official statements to represent our stand when we attempt to see beyond the shortsightedness and absurdity of political games played by Malaysian leaders. The civil society is and remains an important source of opinion outside the establishment and it has a crucial obligation to perform in protecting Singapore's image and national dignity as part of our quest for the meaning of citizenship.

  (The writer is an SPH scholar. He is now studying for a master's degree in International Development Economics at Yale University.)






  到时马国领袖是否能够控制舆论的张力以及民间的情绪反射,还是会因为不负责任的言行而骑虎难下、 作茧自缚、自食其果,的确是一令人不得不感到担心的局面。


  马国领袖必须知 道,建立一个国家的尊严和信誉不仅需要靠自身的经营和努力,同时也必须争取国际伙伴的尊重和认同。这个基本原则的起点,更应该从邻近的周边国家开始。








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