


1.True / False.
(1)Demonstrating correctness of a program is the same as testing a program.
(2)In a large system we should test the interfaces among the modules first.
(3)Debugging is to discover errors and correct the errors.
(4) After completing the performance test we can guarantee our system to sa-tisfy the customer’ s expectations.
(5)Module testing is the unit testing.
(6)We test the system for assuring the desired functionality.
(7)In Fig. 8-2 we can find five test stages.
(8)An acceptance test should be performed by programmers joining with cu-stomers.
(9)If the test must he performed in a simulated environment,the resulting system is a validated system.
(10)If the test is performed in the customer’s actual working environment,the resulting system is a verified system.

2.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or definitions.
(1)It is necessary to check our modules for insuring .
(2)We test a program in order to demonstrate .
(3)In unit testing a test team can feed to the module being tested.
(4)Function test compares the system being built with .
(5)Performance test compares the system with .
(6)Requirements can be specified in .
a.the functions of the software and hardware requirements
b.two ways:the customer’s terminology and a set of software and hardware requ-irements
c.that our modules are coded correctly
d.the remainder of the software and hardware requirements
e.a predetermined set of data
f.the existence of an error



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