

The software has become corrupted.
  Trudi: My word processor is doing funny things.
  Jan: Like what?
  Trudi: Well it shuts itself down without warning every now and then and also sometimes it just freezes.
  Jan: Have you tried switching the computer off and restarting?
  Trudi: Yes, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
  Jan: It sounds as if the software has become corrupted.
  Trudi: How can I fix it?
  Jan: The best thing would be to un-install and then re-install the program. That should solve the problem.
  特鲁: 我的文书处理器活动有点古怪。
  简: 怎样古怪呢?   特鲁: 它有时会毫无预警自动关闭,有时又会死机。
  简: 你有没有试过关了计算机,重新开机?
  特鲁: 试过了,但似乎毫无作用。
  简: 这样看来,应是软件有问题。
  特鲁: 这问题怎样解决呢?
  简: 是把程序解除,然后重新安装。这样问题就应该可以解决。
  计算机程序或档案有了讹误,英文叫做corrupt。这个字作动词或形容词都可以,例如:(1) The file was corrupted by a virus(档案中了病毒,有讹误)。(2) The corrupt program failed when I tried to use it(那程序有讹误,我要使用时,遇上故障)。计算机软件等有讹误,可能死机。 ‘死机’可以用freeze(冻结)、crash(垮了)、die(死亡)、respond(反应)等动词来说,也可用副词(adverb) down,例如:Sometimes the computer just freezes一语,可改为The computer now and then dies/won't respond at all/crashes(计算机不时会死机)。
  假如要说 ‘计算机死机了’,死机那一剎那已成过去,所以freeze、die、crash等字也应用过去式,例如:My word processor died/crashed/froze。不过,假如要说 ‘现在计算机完全不动’这情况,则当然应用现在式动词,例如:(1) The screen is frozen(屏幕僵住了)。(2) My PC is down because of a power surge(由于一阵电力不稳,我的个人计算机死机了)。你也可以说My computer won't respond:那won't (=will not)不是指‘将不会’。Will除了指‘未来’,还有‘愿意’、‘肯’的意思,例如:He won't listen to reason(和他讲道理,他都不肯听)。The computer won't respond即‘计算机不肯按指令行事’。讹误的程序叫a corrupt program。计算机程序无论美式还是英式英文都写作program,不可作programme。Programme是英式英文,但只用来说‘计划’、‘节目’等。

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