


a series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施

  employment policy 就业政策

  financial policy 财务政策

  foreign trade policy 外贸政策

  policy of deflation 紧缩政策

  reform and opening up policy 改革和开放政策

  tax policy 税收政策

  Tariff 关税,税则

  tariff act 关税法

  tariff barrier 关税壁垒

  tariff cartel 关税同盟,关税卡特尔

  tariff classification 关税分类

  tariff commission 税则委员会

  tariff concession rate 关税优惠率

  tariff customs union 关税同盟

  tariff cut 降低关税

  tariff policy 关税政策

  tariff reform 关税改革

  tariff system 关税制度

  tariff wall 关税壁垒

  Tax 税,税务,征税

  consumption tax 消费税

  foreign-funded enterprise income tax 外商投资企业所得税

  individual income tax 个人所得税

  tax agency 税收代理

  tax avoidance 合法避税

  tax bearer 纳税人

  tax bearing rate 税负率

  tax bureau 税务局

  tax collection 征税

  tax collector 税收员

  tax cut 减税

  tax delivery 上交税金

  tax due 应交税款

  tax exemption 免税

  tax farming system 保税制

  tax law 税法

  tax loophole 漏税

  tax on income 所得税

  tax on land and buildings 土地房产税

  tax on natural resources 资源税

  tax on personal income 个人所得税

  tax on property 财产税

  tax on transaction 交易税

  tax on value added 增值税

  tax payer 纳税人

  tax rate 税率

  tax reform 税制改革

  tax refund 退税

  tax refunded 已退回的税款

  tax return 纳税申报表

  tax system 税制

  tax year 税收年度

  tax-free 免税

  tax-free trade zone 免税贸易区

  tax-free transaction 免税交易

  tax-sharing system 分税制

  value-added tax 增值税

  Taxable 应纳税的

  Taxation 税务,税收

  Tax-exempt 免税

  Trade 交易,贸易,商业

  barter trade 易货贸易

  frontier trade 边境贸易

  trade agreement 交易协议

  trade by agreement 协议交易

  trade deficit 贸易逆差

  trade fair 交易市场

  trade in technology 技术贸易

  trade integration 贸易一体化

  trade mark registration 商标注册

  trade negotiation 交易谈判

  trade share 交易份额

  trade surplus 贸易顺差,贸易盈余

  transit trade 过境贸易

  Trading 商业,贸易

  trading capital 商业资本

  trading range 成交价幅度

  Appraisal 评估,鉴定

  appraisal handbook 评估手册

  appraisal of machinery and equipment 机械设备评估

  appraisal of real estate 不动产评估

  appraisal procedure 评估方法

  appraisal report 评估报告

  standard of professional appraisal practice 评估操作规范

  Appraiser 评估师

  Ability 能力

  ability to bay 购买能力

  ability to borrow 借款能力

  ability to compete 竟争能力

  ability to pay 支付能力

  ability to repay loan 倡偿还借款能力

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