



  yellow - ad. having the color like that of gold or the sun

  yes - ad. used to express agreement or to permit

  yesterday - n. the day before today

  yet - ad. at some time before now ("Have they arrived yet?"); now; at this time ("I cannot tell you about it yet."); conj. however ("The sun was shining, yet it was cold.")

  you - pro. the person or persons being spoken to

  young - ad. in the early years of life; not old


  zoo - n. a place where animals are kept for the public to look at and study

  Common Prefixes

  dis - not (dishonest, disobey)

  pro - for, supporting (pro-labor, pro-government)

  re - to do again (reorganize, reunite)

  self - used to show that the person or group acting is the one affected by the action, or to show that the action is done only by its own effort or power (self-declared, self-appointed)

  un - not (unusual, unhappy)

  Common Expressions

  carry out - to do; to put into effect ("Please carry out the plan.")

  pass a bill - approve ("Congress is expected to pass a bill to cut taxes.")

  take steps - to start to do something ("The government will take steps to halt inflation.")

  Words Used in VOA Special English Science Programs

  atom - a very small part of all things; the smallest part of an element that can join with parts of other elements

  bacteria - living things that are one cell and can be seen only through a microscope; some cause disease

  cell - a small mass of living material that is part of all plants and animals

  chromosome - a line of genes; most human cells contain 46 chromosomes

  compound - a substance containing two or more elements

  dense - close together; thick

  electron - a small part of an atom that has an electrical force

  element - one of more than 100 substances known to science that cannot be separated into other substances

  enzyme - a special kind of protein; it produces changes in other substances without being changed itself

  fetus - unborn young

  fission - a splitting; in atomic fission, the nucleus of an atom is split to produce nuclear energy

  fusion - a joining together; in atomic fusion, atomic particles are joined together to produce nuclear energy

  genes - parts of cells that control the growth and development of living things; genes from the mother and father are passed to the child; genes contain nucleic acid

  genetic engineering - the science of changing the genes of a living organism

  gravity - the force that pulls things toward the center of the earth

  image - a reproduction of the appearance of a person or thing

  laser - an instrument that makes a thin, powerful light

  magnet - a piece of iron or other material that has a pulling force; this pulling force is called magnetism

  molecule - the smallest amount of a chemical substance that can exist

  nerve - a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain

  nucleus - the center part of an atom or cell

  nucleic acid - a molecule that holds the genetic information necessary for life; there are two kinds of nucleic acid: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)

  nutrient - a food or substance that makes plants, humans or animals grow

  organ - a part of the body that has a special purpose, such as the heart or brain

  organism - a living thing, often so small it can be seen only through a microscope

  particle - a very small piece of matter

  proteins - substances responsible for the growth of tissue and for fixing damaged tissue

  robot - a machine that moves and performs tasks

  tissue - living material; a group of cells that are similar in appearance and do the same thing

  virus - a kind of organism that causes disease

  x-rays - a kind of radiation that can pass through most solid materials, often used in medicine

  Organs of the Body

  heart - pumps blood through the body

  intestines - tubes through which food passes after it is broken down in the stomach; part of the intestines also remove solid wastes from the body

  kidney - cleans liquid wastes from the body

  liver - makes some proteins and enzymes; removes poisons from the blood

  lung - takes in and expels air from the body

  prostate - a part of the male reproductive system

  stomach - breaks down food for the body to use

  uterus - a part of the female reproductive system where a fetus develops

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