范文:I Am a Cat,第1张

范文:I Am a Cat,第2张


  以“I Am a……”为题,描写一种动物,写出其基本习性、特点。(100字左右)


  I Am a Cat

  I am a cat. I am pretty and always wear a soft fur coat. I also wear soft shoes and can walk noiselessly.

  I dislike mice. They are a great nuisance to people. Whenever and wherever there are mice, I will catch them and kill them.

  I like to stay at home and play with a ball of string. I always sleep in the day time and get up at night. I can see clearly in the dark.

  I'm lazy and greedy sometimes. I steal fish and catch birds to eat. But people still like me.


  写这类文章要发挥一定的想象力。本文用拟人、比喻等手法,生动活泼,如“fur coat”、“soft shoes”等十分有趣。文字通顺,没有什么毛病,但可能太简单了些,句式上应该有所变化。

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