The Performance,第1张

The Performance,第2张



  时间:国庆节前夜  地点:学校的大礼堂  会场布置:舞台灯火辉煌,四个大红灯笼从天花板上吊下来  演出内容:歌曲、舞蹈、器乐演奏和短剧  其中最精彩的节目(第一个节目:学校合唱队表演的两首赞美祖国的大合唱  第二个节目:六个女生表演的民族舞蹈:《红绸舞》  最后一个节目:女高音独唱。演出进入高潮。)


  The Performance

  On the ove of National Day a performance sponsored by the Student's Union was held.

  The first program was a chorus. The curtain rose and the band began to play music. The chorus of our school sang two songs in praise of our motherland. The singing was so loud and majestic that the whole hall echoed.

  Next came a traditional Chinese dance. Six girls moved and spung racefully on the stage, waving red ribbons. All the audience were carried away.

  With one item after another performed, the audience became more and more excited.

  Then the last program——a female solo pushed the performance to its climax. To the accompaniment of piano, she sang in her sweet voice. When she was over, a storm of applause broke out in the hall. The singer had to answer the curtain call several times.

  The winderful performance lasted far into the night.



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