The Memories in Rain,第1张

The Memories in Rain,第2张

It is raining outside——I like the rain of spring. I prefer sitting[enjoy sitting](1) around while hearing the rain singing gently. Also[gently, as](2)I like to be reminded of an American friend by the splendid rain.

  It's two years since I met Christopher when spring-wind was waving on[breezing over](3) the Bund(上海外滩)and the rain was caressing us in the face. We talked so much as if we'd been close friends, though it was the first time we'd met. I told him I loved the Bund because it was there that I could make up my mind to do things when I watched the Huangpu river flowing and the Orient Pearl TV Tower Standing [admired the Orient Pearl TV Tower](4)。 He told me he loved the Bund of Shanghai today, because it was from there that he could get a view of the great construction taking place in China and the hard working Chinese people. Then we were talking cheerfully in the rain, and also from then on I liked rain for [came to like spring rain because] (5) it reminded me of Christopher.

  Christopher once asked me to show him some places where he could enjoy typical Chinese food. Thinking that he came from a mid-class family in US. I took him to an expensive restaurant. But he insisted on eating at Yunnan Food Street, which was next to the restaurant. I thought maybe as a tourist he was more curious about common people's food. But when he told me he chose Yunnan Food Street because it was cheaper, I was puzzled——his first time in Shanghai, not being short of money…why? Then he explained to me: Young American people like to be independent. They want little from their parents. If they want something expensive, they'll avoid relying on others. Instead, they will find a job in their spare time and save enough money. Christopher also told me that all of his money for this tour had been earned when he went to university in the daytime and went to work at night, and not a single dollar had been provided by his parents. What a great surprise I got!

  It is still raining. I like the rain as it brings the greetings from the other side of the world.

  上海市李惠利中学高三(1)班 缪佳欣

  评 语



  I prefer sitting to standing.

  He preferred staying at home to going to the cinema.

  而接不定式时,后面可以用“rather than+动词原形”引出不喜欢做的动作,也可不用,如:

  I prefer to sit rather than stand.

  I prefer to sit.


  (2)从I prefer…到…the splendid rain这两句话,有内在联系,后句好像是前句的原因,从全文结尾也可看出这点,不如改为主从句,用as表示原因。


  (4)watch的对象往往是在活动的,watch Huangpu River flowing可以,但watch the Orient Pearl TV Tower standing这样静态的东西就有些不自然,故改为admire.

  (5)这里要改为“came to like…”,表示渐变过程,比原句自然。

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