


祁 慧 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员,中级口译阅读明星教师。华东师范大学英语语言文学硕士,专攻英语教学法,具有丰富的口译及笔译经历和多年英语教学经验。曾任全球第四大咨询公司Boozallen特聘翻译,Linkpoint公司特聘商务翻译。其授课实战性强,旁征博引,让口译学员在课堂上充分品尝西方的文化大餐。参与编著新东方《四六级词汇记忆手册》及《中级口译全真模拟试题》等。
  采用top-down,先把握文章结构和题型类别出发。Q1“real journalism”(考指代),Q2 “viral”,Q3 “It’s not expertise — it’s choice.”和Q5“Revenge of the Expert”(例子功能题)都是非常明显的定位词,而且集中在第一段和第二段,所以前一二两段必然是要重点阅读的对象。Q4:main argument是整篇文章的主旨题,应当放在最后处理。
  Years ago, when I first started building websites for newspapers, many journalists told me that they saw the Internet as the end of reliable journalism. Since anyone could publish whatever they wanted online, “real journalism” (定位词)would be overwhelmed, they said. Who would need professional reporters and editors(“real journalism”的所指)if anyone could be a reporter or an editor?(现象导入) I would tell them not to worry.(作者观点:站在专业记者一边,them指代professional reporters,再往前推即得出定位词“real journalism”) While my personal belief is that anyone can be a reporter or editor, I also know that quality counts. And that the “viral” nature the Internet means that when people find quality, they let other people know about it. Even nontraditional media sites online will survive only if the quality of their information is trusted. The future of online news will demand more good reporters and editors, not fewer.
  所以Q1:“real journalism”=C
  第二段:So字开端,表明一二两段属于因果关系,因为第一段阐明的现象:网络媒体的出现导致了专业记者的担忧,引出了作者的关注和评注。从对“Revenge of the Expert”一篇文章的评述导入,属于例子铺衬,不用详细看,直接找到作者观点:thus the need for more expertise. (作者观点),所以Q5的例子功能题是选to prove that the future of digital information will be based more on expertise.
  之后几段是进一步的阐述,不需要具体详细阅读,只需要抓住抽象部分阅读就可以了。例如第三段第一句话就是一句抽象句,In many cases the sites that people come to trust are built on nontraditional models of expertise.还是相应了前两段,作者对专业新闻人的认可。从第二句话开始就是例子,全部跳过。在第四段和第五段中出现了很多引号,全部是具体的例证部分,不需要详细看,一直到倒数第二段段首出现了抽象句:In many cases, traditional media is still the first choice of online users because….点出了作者在网络媒体和传统媒体之间还是偏向于传统媒体,之后的例子可以完全跳过。最后一段,一句成段,短小精悍,掷地有声,道出了作者观点“To me, it’s the best of all possible information worlds.”在这里it的指代是前一段的重心,traditional media。

DABAN RP主题是一个优秀的主题,极致后台体验,无插件,集成会员系统
白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 新东方:2008年9.13高口阅读第一篇专业评析




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