Do We Need Internet ?,第1张

Do We Need Internet ?,第2张

Some people think that we don't need Internet. On one hand, life can get on fairly well without it. On the other hand, Internet is easily affected by bugs(故障,错误), jam(阻塞), cybercrime(网络犯罪)。 However, I think quite the oppposite, my answer to this question is a resounding (响亮的) “Yes”。

  My reasons are as follows. Firstly, I-phone (网络电话) and E-mail provide friends at home and abroad with an economical and practical (经济实惠的) channel of communications. Secondly, Internet can be a bridge to make the world know more about China, and vice versa (反之亦然)。 Thirdly, as a new type of open school and news media, Internet enables us to gain access to interesting knowledge and latest information. Apart from these, Internet plays vital roles in politics, military, economy, medicine and other walks (方面) of modern life in information age.

  Therefore, we come to the conclusion that we DO need Internet to improve the quality of life and enrich our country. As a fruit of the information revolution, Internet itself is not a curse(祸)。 We should exploit its potential and make it serve us well. With healthy development and proper management of Internet, people may find that Internet will be indispensable (绝对必要的)to life.

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