Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 4

Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 4,第1张

Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 4,第2张

Classical literature is a treasured inheritage of human beings. Literary classics by literary giants are highlights of various aspects of lifeg Without themmour civilization will undoubtedly suffer a bis regression. Literature improves every day, but classical literature lasts forever. However, if you keep a close watch, you may find that classical literature loses appeal to a great number of students in “the ivory tower”(象牙塔)。

  College students give different reasons for the pbenomenon. Some students think that literature classics cannot satisfy various needs and tastes. Some maintain that practical reference books on GRE, management or computers are really treasures because they contain something as precious as gold. Still some hold that reading literary classical works is time consuming but not entertaining at all.

  I believe that college students can benefit a lot from reading classical literature. In the first place, reading classical literature is a pleasure of mind. Moreover, it is an active thought provoking process, anyone can have the key to the riches of knowledge and wisdom contained in classical books. Classical books, in the final analysis, are indispensable to various aspects of modern civilization.

  核心剖析 以介绍评述对象、给评述对象下定义为开头,交待评述对象归属的种类,揭示其特征,评价其作用。需要提醒大家注意的是,介绍评述对象并非简单扼要地分类、定义,而要剖开其表,揭示出实质性的内容,为后面的纵深层次探讨打下基础。惟有这样才会使开头显得有分量。

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