


  假定你是福州八中的一名学生。改革开放以来,你们省发生了翻天覆地的变化。和过去相比,真是天壤之别。随着开放的发展,市场经济蓬勃兴起,国内与国外交往十分频繁,市场越来越需要外语人才,于是你下决心将要考福建师大外语系,毕业后当外语教师,培养更多的外语人才为改革开放做贡献。你认为,与报考别的专业相比,学外语更有意义。就上述主题写一篇说明文。下列词语供参考:1.backward adj.落后的 2. spring(up)v.出现;发生 3. commerce n.商业;贸易


  Fujian's Opening Up and I


  If someone asks me,“where is your native place?”“Fujian,”I'llanswer him proudly. Yes, I've been loving her since I was a child.

  She used to be backward economically. But now she has developed quite a lot. As the open policy is carried out, great changes have taken place in my native place. New buildings are springing up everywhere. And people's living standards have been greatly raised in the past few years with the development of agriculture and industry.

  What's more, you can often see in the streets people coming from different parts of the world for commerce and trade or for the exchange of information on science and technology. What's to be done if you want to get in touch with them but know no foreign languages? It is clear that the open policy needs more people who have a good command of① foreign languages and it's equally clear that English, the most widely used language, has become more useful than ever.

  I'm a student of graduating class of the Fuzhou NO.8 Middle School. I'll take up English as my major if I can study in a university. Many friends of my parents advise me to choose an institute of foreign trade. The reason is simple enough: After graduation form such an institute, I'll get a well-paid job which will give me chance to work abroad. Nevertheless②, I've made up my mind to choose the English Department of Fujian Teachers' University.

  Teachers are said to be engineers of human souls. People often compare children to flowers, and teachers are gardeners growing these flowers. I realize from my own experiences that I couldn't have made any progress without the help of my teachers. I'm grateful to my teachers, whose spirit of complete devotion③to the realization of the four modernizations I should always learn.

  I want to be a teacher of English. I'll do my best to be a qualified teacher and help to train more buiders of our socialism motherland. I'm sure that with more people knowing foreign languages the open policy will be carried out successfully, and that my native place Fujian will become more prosperous④



  ①a good command[k+'m%:nd] of 精通;掌握


  ③devotion[di'v+uM+n] n.献身;忠诚

  ④prosperous['pr&sp+r+s] a.繁荣的;昌盛的



  2)从对比方式看,本文采用的是交替型(the seesaw pattern)对比。所谓交替型对比分析,就是把比较双方的句子交织起来写,其典型结构是:A…, but B…。


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