Sending an E,第1张

Sending an E,第2张

Sending an E-mail

  Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Sending an E-mail. You must base your composition on the following picture. Describe the picture briefly, and then discuss about the way of communicating with each other on email. Your con, position should be at least 150 words.

  Sending an E-mail

  With the development of science and technology, more and more people are communicating with each other by e-mails, Look at the above picture. A boy is on one side of the computer line, typing and smiling, and a girl is on the other side, typing and smiling, too. They are "talking" through computers. No matter how far away they are from each other, they can always communicate with each other readily. Sending emails has become an important way of communicating between people.

  No doubt, email has a great deal of advantages. The most important one is that sending emails is so fast that we needn't wait for a long time to get the message we want. We can exchange our feelings and ideas easily. Furthermore, we can get a great amount of written information in no time. And compared with talking on the phone, sending emails can be much more economical, especially than making long-distance phone calls. Of course, convenience is also a merit. It's too troublesome to go to the post office to send a letter. As long as you have an email box and a computer, you can send an email anytime.

  Nowadays, when more and more people have a computer and know how to send and receive emails through computers, communication emails is very fashionable. I am sure it will become the most popular way for people to keep in touch with each other in the near future.

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