

This trip to Hangzhou, what can I say about it? The road wasfull of twists and turns. Just as I felt lost deep in the mountain, I saw a light in the dark. Toke, for example, how I left Zhejiang University for the railway station. When we came out of No. 15 Building in Zhejiang University, a fellow schoolmate led us in the wrong way. As we hurried to the school gate, we just caught sight of No. 16 Bus roaring by. (We needed to take No. 16 bus,then change to No. 52 to go to the station. ) We could do nothing but walk to the change stop No. 52. It happened that the road was under repair. It had rained all day. Now, if you were passing hy the strut in front of Zhejiang University, you would see three girls struggling forward; deep in the mud with bags on their hacks and umbrellas in their hands. However, the three of them were acting abnormally and singing happily, "Shoes worn out, hats worn out, robes wornout,……"!

  To make a long story short. when we got to the No 52 stop, it was already eleven sharp. We waited and waited. Thirty minutes later, a No 52 pulled up, shily. Cheering I dashed onto it and fell on a seat. Closing my eyes, I intended to have a wonderful sleep. As I was dozing off, to sleep,I was wakened by the sold "Get off, Get off! This is the last stop."

  I opened my eyes and looked around. Tall buildings were everywhere. There was no sight of the railway station. "Why get off when we haven't reached the stop?

  "Here is the last stop. Get off and change to No 51. " he said. There was nothing we could do but walk on and on. At last, Bus No. 51 was in sight and was starting to move. We raced desperately to it. After all our feet No. 11 could not surpass No; 51. Looking closely at the sign, the last bus was to leave at 23:45.Looking at my watch,I saw that it was exactly 23:43. At this time, my heart was doing the movement familiar to you and me the free fall. What to do? A taxi passed by. We jmnped in it without hesitation. The driver took advantage of our difficult situation and opened his lion's mouth by asking us each to pay 10 yuan. Feeling our pockets we were shy. Poor students could not afford it. The heartless driver drove us off. Standing under the stop sign, we watched cars and buses pass by, one by one. Time passed by. At long last a trolley bus pulled up slowly. Aha, it was No. 51. Long live No. 51! I love you!

  Come to think of it, if No. 51 had not come, and with no city map on me, I would have had a taste of the life of a pauper and slept the street. Maybe it would not be bad.


  这次的杭州之游,我怎么说好呢? 一路上真是一波三折、峰回路转,称得上山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村了。

  仅以离开浙江大学到杭州火车站为例。我们从浙大15号楼走出来,由于一个同学领错了路,等我们赶到校门口时,只见16路末班车已呼啸而去(我们应该坐16 路换52路去火车站),没办法,我们只好步行到52路站。可正赶上修路,白天又下过雨,这时,如果你来到浙大侧门前的马路上,就会看见有3个女孩背着大包、举着雨伞, 深一脚、浅一脚地在烂泥地中拖行。此时,我们三人有点超乎常态,还在得意洋洋唱着"鞋儿破,帽儿破,身上的衣裳破"的歌儿呢!


  我睁眼一瞧。但晃四周高楼林立, 独无火车站之倩影。我说:"没到站,下什么车?"

  司机说:"车就开到这里,下去,下去,换51路。"没办法,我们只得一直走,走着走着,终于看到51路站牌,并看见一辆51路车正在离站,这时,我们便没命地狂奔而去,但"11路"的双脚毕竟赶不上5l路啊! 等跑近站牌一看,方知本站的未班车为23:45,而抬手一看表,时间是23:43,这时我的心做起了一种你我所熟知的运动——自由落体。 怎么办? 但见一辆TAXI开过来了,我们便立即冲了上去,可司机却乘人之危,来个狮子大张口:"每位10元。"摸摸钱包,颇觉羞涩,漫办法,穷学生坐不起。好狠心的司机便撵我们下车,站在站牌下,眼巴巴地看着一辆又一辆车飞驰而过,时间一秒一秒地过去,终于一辆电车缓缓进站了。啊哈,是51路。"NO. 51,I love you!"

  现在回想起来,要是当时51路车没来,身边没有地图的我,可真地要体验一下露宿街头的流浪儿生活是什么滋味了! 当真如此,没准儿还不错呢!

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