


Whether one is willing or not, he can not deny that endless innovations of technology are constantly changing our lives. Appatently, not everyone is optimistic about the trend, but there are unquestionable positive aspects of it.

  To the senior in the society, health and security are the most concerned issues. Today, thanks to the growing process in medicine field, the life span and quality have been greatly enhanced. Old people are becoming increasingly energetic and rigorous. Besides, technology also ensures the security of those old people who live separately from their offspring gimmicks such as auto-alarming bell free them from the worries about possible gas release or theft.

  To the young, the startling advances in application technology enable them to work and live more comfortably. Automation the computer-controlled system, along with assembly lines and robots not only cuts down the prices by mass production,but also frees people from dangerous and tiring working conditions. After work, benefiting from all the conveniences provided by such handy appliances as microwave ovens, washing machines, or automobiles, people enjoy a lot more leisure time and feel more relaxed.

  As to children, they benefit most from the boom of information technology. For decades, computers and communication systems processed information only for selected audiences. Now,the development of technology makes everyone, including children, to get cheap information. Exposed to this from the early age, today's children learn by trial and error how to collect and process information into useful knowledge at a fast pace. What's more, through Internet and telecommunication, the children are closely connected with the outside world and are likely to be more competitive and creative than their older generations.

  It might be because new technology is booming out at such a fantastic speed that many people aren't feeling at ease with it.However, it does aim at making our lives more convenient and comfortable. My opinion is that wait indulgently for technology to perfect itself, try it voluntarily, and the world is certain to be much better than ever.

  简 评


  文章篇幅不长,却概括了不同科技对不同年龄阶层的巨大影响和人们行为方式和精神面貌的变化,可谓言简意赅。这是由于本文作者语言风格紧凑,并较好地掌握了内容要具体,用词要明确的写作原则:如"technology also ensures thesecurity Of those old people who live separately from their offspring-gimmicks such as auto-alarmlng bell free them from the worries about possible gas-release or theft."一句既是概述:科技保障老年人安全;又是论据:现代设施解决后顾之忧。而auto-alarming bell和possible gas-release or theft等词提供了具体例证。同时,作者语言地道,"most concerned issues,life span,selected audiences,exposed to"等表达十分准确老练。如果没有在学习中的透彻掌握和平时的大量阅读,是很难做到词汇如此运用自如的。

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