

…… should not + V ……


  说明︰should 是 shall 的过去式,当“将要”解释,通常用于<主词>是第一人称 I 或 we;should又当“应该”解释,表示义务或责任,常用于指“现在或未来”的事情,<主词>可用任何人称。 would 是 will 的过去式,当“将要”解释,通常用于<主词>是第二人称或第三人称; would 又用于表示“愿望”;would 和 like 连用,表示“客气”的语气;would 又可用在<疑问句>中,表示客气的请求。 may 可用于表示“可能性”或“不确定的推测”,中文常译为“可能,或许”,相当于 perhaps或 maybe;may 可用于<疑问句>表示“请求对方允许”;在否定答句中,may 的<否定式>可以有两种形式:mustn't 表示“强烈的禁止”,mayn't 表示“婉转的禁止”。

  He would not lend you his dictionary. 他不愿意把字典借给你。

  He may not come tomorrow. 他明天不可能(不可以)来。

  We should not tell lies. 我们不应该说谎。

  Should/Would you + V ……?


  说明︰should 是 shall 的过去式,当“将要”解释,通常用于<主词>是第一人称 I 或 we;should又当“应该”解释,表示义务或责任,常用于指“现在或未来”的事情,<主词>可用任何人称。 would 是 will 的过去式,当“将要”解释,通常用于<主词>是第二人称或第三人称; would 又用于表示“愿望”;would 和 like 连用,表示“客气”的语气;would 又可用在<疑问句>中,表示客气的请求。 may 可用于表示“可能性”或“不确定的推测”,中文常译为“可能,或许”,相当于 perhaps或 maybe;may 可用于<疑问句>表示“请求对方允许”;在否定答句中,may 的<否定式>可以有两种形式:mustn't 表示“强烈的禁止”,mayn't 表示“婉转的禁止”。

  May he do that? 他可能(可以)做那件事吗?

  Would you like to go with us? 你想跟我们去吗?

  Should they read the newspaper more often? 他们应该更常看报吗?

  …… used to + V ……

  结构︰主词+used to+原形动词…

  说明︰此句型意为“以前(常)…”。等于“<主词>+would often+原形<动词>”。这是一种表过去的经验的句构,对比地叙述过去与现在。而“would+原形<动词>”也可表示过去的习惯,但“used to ……”比“would ……”规则。

  Difficult problems used to take hours of work with pencil and paper.


  There used to be a post office there. 以前在那里有一个邮局。

  I used to (=would often) go fishing. 我以前常去钓鱼。

  We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。

  He would sit for hours doing nothing. 他常常什么也不做,一坐就是好几小时。

  …… would like to V ……

  结构︰主词+would like+(sb.)+to+原形动词

  说明︰此句型意为“想要…”。would like 是一种表示意愿的<动词>,后接<不定词> to 引导的原形<动词>.“should like to ……”虽有同样的意思,但较少用于第2,3人称。

  Would you like to have a look at the picture? -- Yes, I should very much like to.


  I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year.


  I would like you to meet Mr. Jones. 我想让你见见琼斯先生。

  I would like him to do it. 我想要他做这事。

  would rather V1 than V2

  结构︰主词+would rather+原形动词1…than+原形动词2…

  说明︰此句型意为“宁愿…也不愿…”。would rather 和 than 之后都要用原形<动词>.若 than 之后的<动词>和 would rather 之后的<动词>相同,则 than 之后的<动词>可省略。

  I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials. 我宁愿照顾活人的肚子,也不愿以石碑的形式来照顾死者的荣耀。

  They would rather go fishing than stay at home. 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。

  I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。

  He would rather give away a point than claim an advantage.


  I would rather fail than cheat in the examination. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。

  I would rather die than live in disgrace. 我宁可死,也不愿忍辱偷生。

  I would rather remain poor than get money by dishonest means.


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