Not feeling well (身体不适)

Not feeling well (身体不适),第1张

Not feeling well (身体不适),第2张



  Dear students,

  I would like to thank some of you who asked me why I looked so unhappy the other day. Well, there might be many reasons. First, I was not feeling well that day. I mean I was sick. Second, I saw that a few of you were very unhappy or uncomfortable because of the noises. As you were unhappy, I was then very unhappy. There might be some other reasons I don't know. To be honest, I don't really know everything about myself.

  Ivy Hung in 4D said something verytrue——sometimes we know our feeling is not good but we cannot control it. People always say, “Don't worry!”; “Don't be afraid!”; “Don't be shy!”; “Don't be so unhappy!”; … but many a time we just cannot control our feelings though we know they are not good for us or for others. My method is: try to forget them and they will soon disappear.

  Margaret, my teacher, just called me up and said that she had just come back from her amah's funeral and she thought she would be unable to see me tomorrow. I guess she is still feeling sad and weak because of her amah's death. Poor Margaret! I hope she can recover soon.

  This week, like you, I will be very busy because I have to complete a very difficult assignment which has to be turned in to another C.U. (Chinese University) teacher early next week. Let's work harder together. You work harder to prepare for the Test Week while I work harder to complete my challenging assignment. I am feeling very sleepy now. I think I cannot go on any longer. I had better stop here. Before I go to bed, I would like to say a few words:

  Do something to prepare for the Test Week,

  but you should take a rest whenever you are feeling weak.

  No matter what you do, you just try your best.

  When you have done that, don't worry about the rest.


  用would like并非过去式,这要比用I want to…更客套。

  the other day近似recently,解作“日前”。


  如担心别人误解自己的意思,可用I mean…来加以补充。


  ●sound =任何声音

  ●voice =人的嗓音/嗓子

  ●noise =任何杂音


  原句应是:…reasons(that) I don't know.但往往省略了that.


  many a time =many times


  will soon disappear可用will soon begone来代替。


  would be unable to see可简单地写作could not see.

  because跟because of用法不同,

  because of之后要用名词。


  ●…because of her amah's death.(名词)

  ●…because her amah died.(动词)

  此处的recover相等于get well.

  turned in可用handed in代替。


  ●another teacher =另外一位老师

  ●other teachers =其他(多位)老师


  go on =continue

  a few words的意思是“几句话”,而不是“几个字”。

  feeling weak的意思是“状态不佳”。

  此处的the rest字面解释是“其余的事情”,其含义是“结果或成绩”。


  Past form for present event

  学生们别以为只有在描写过去了的事情时,动词才可使用“过去式”(past form)。事实上,在一些使用过去式的句子中,其内容明显是属于现在的。发生这种情况是因为以下因素:



  1.I would like to thank some of you…

  2.Before I go to bed, I would like to say a few words.



  1.Well, there might be many reasons.

  2.There might be other reasons I don't know.



  1.I was wondering if you can help me.

  2.I had better stop here!


  Test Your Understanding

  1. Last Sunday from 22:00 to 23:00 there was a TV episode Homeless Girl on ATV. Have you watched that? The girl in the movie leads a miserable life. Ever since she was born, nothing good has happened to her. Heaven is unfair to her. Do you want to watch that? I have got a copy. Tomorrow is Halloween. Watch out! You might get scared.

  2. I was very happy this morning because 4C had won the bulletin-board design competition. Did you see that I am very happy this morning? Yesterday I did my letter box till 11:00 p.m. but this morning I found that I was the only one who had done that. I feel unhappy. I was wondering why they are so lazy.

  3. The Test Week is coming and I am afraid because I totally don't understand ch. 3 (of the maths textbook)。 Besides, I don't know how to answer the questions so as to score higher marks. You always say, “Take it easy!” But it is not an easy job. If luck was on my side, I might pass the test.

  4. Let me tell you a strange dream. One night I had a dream in which one of our classmates asked you about a maths problem. It seemed that you explained the problem to us pretty well. But you are our English teacher! I cannot understand why I had such a dream. Could you try to explain to me why I had such a dream?

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