Good quiz result (不俗的测验成绩)

Good quiz result (不俗的测验成绩),第1张

Good quiz result (不俗的测验成绩),第2张



  Dear students,

  I am really glad that some of you did make an effort to prepare for the quiz and got very satisfactory results. Alison and Shirley got 70%; Caroline got 80%;Sugus, Yeedee and Christina got 90% while Eva, Wendy and Ruby got 100% correct answers. Congratulations! Keep up your good effort and please try to help the other students around you.

  As I am reading your STSs and writing my STS very late at night, it is a little difficult for me to read those words written with pens not dark enough. Therefore, I would be really grateful if you could write with darker pens. Now it is about one o'clock in the morning and I am still working on my STS. I believe it is worth it. This programme not only helps us to understand each other but also allows you to have more opportunities to read and write. I don't want to give you too much pressure, so if you really don't enjoy the programme, you may quit.

  It is indeed a little tiring to work till late at night, but honestly, I enjoy reading your STSs, especially from those students who speak from the bottom of their hearts. One of you told me about her trouble with her little brother. I totally understand because I was just like her when I was small. I would like to thank you all for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. I am also happy to see that some used the words and phrases they had learnt in their STSs, e.g.,“fit for”and “disgusting”。It is not enough just to “learn”English; you have to use it. So, read more; write more; listen more; and speak more.

  I understand that some of you feel great difficulty in many subjects. The textbooks are full of so many difficult words and phrases. You regret that you didn't work hard enough from Form One to Three. Maybe you are totally at a loss (not knowing what is going on)when the teacher is teaching. On the other hand, some are still not sure whether or not they really want to study in Form Four and Five and then take the public examination. Worse still, perhaps some of you are felling very unhappy because of family problems or quarrels with boyfriends or girlfriends. Don't give up. You should learn how to solve problems one after another. It is very painful to face up to problems and try to deal with them but we must do that. Running away from problems or trying hard not to think about them is not a solution. Face up to then, daughters and sons. If there is anything I can help you with, do let me know.



  prepare解作“准备/安排”,而prepare for解作“准备应付”。因此:

  ●prepare an exam.×

  ●prepare for an exam.√

  ●prepare a meal√

  ●prepare for a meal×


  另外一种较有英语“味道”的句式是:I find it a little difficult to…

  working on 基本上跟doing意思相近,不过前者需要付出更多努力。

  it is worth it 意思是“这是值得的。”,但切勿漏掉末端的it,因为it is worth并不是完整的句子。


  ●each other解作“彼此”,例如:Mary and peter love each other.

  ●'one another'解作“互相”,例如:The classmates help one another.



  ●enjoy to read×

  ●enjoy reading√

  like在这里是介词,例如:I'm like(介词)her.即解作“我跟她相似”;但当like作为动词时,便如:I like(动词)her.则解作“我喜欢她”。

  这并非过去时,而是有礼貌的一种说法,意思是:I want…



  ●maybe = perhaps

  ●may be ≠perhaps


  ●…whether or not they want it√

  ●…whether they want it or not√

  ●…if or not they want it ×

  ●…if they want it or not√

  Worse still 可用Even worse来代替。

  跟because 不同,because of 之后只可用名词或动名词。

  one after another 可用one by one 来代替。


  Running 和 trying 在这句子里是主语(subject),所以要加-ing.

  do 用来加强语气,句子这部分的意思是:“一定要让我知道。”


  ●let me know√

  ●let me to know×

  ●let me knowing×




  1.…it is a little difficult for me to read those words…

  2.This programme not only helps us to understand each other…

  3.I don't want to give you too much pressure.

  4.…so if you don't enjoy the programme…

  5.The textbooks are full of so many difficult words.



  Running away from problems or trying hard not to think about them is (are) not a solution.

  在以上例句中,Running away…or trying hard …才是主语(subject),所以动词用is,而非are.


  Test Your Understanding

  1.Mr. Yeung, How are you? My English quiz result are very good. I am very happy that I has taken high marks. I didn't read the notes yesterday. I thought I would fail. That's why I am so happy now.

  2.I feel all the subjects is more difficult than the subjects in S.3.There is a lot of things I don't understand. I have tried my best but it is still very difficult. What can I do, Sir? You always speak in English. I likes it! My uncle always speak in English with me.

  3.You believe that my parents feels very happy because I promise them to work hard. I am afraid not. They does not believe that I will do it. They always punishes me when I do something wrong. Sir, I feel happy because my English standard have improved a little. I am sorry that last time I forgot to give you an STS.

  4.This week we has a four days' holiday. I think I will spend the holiday studying some subjects. But I hope my parents will allow me to do something I likes. I believe that interesting activities relaxes our minds and our bodies. We can learn better after relaxing ourselves.

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