实用英语写作技巧 (第11单元)

实用英语写作技巧 (第11单元),第1张

实用英语写作技巧 (第11单元),第2张

第十一单元 推展段落方法之四



  过程分析法(process analysis)用作支配方法时,其目的是告诉读者怎样做某事,说明某事物的工作原理或某事物的制造方法。


  Even if you don't know how to cook,you'll never starve to death if you know how to prepare scrambled eggs.You begin by melting one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan over low heat.While the butter is melting,break three eggs into a bowl.Add 1/4teaspoon of salt,1/4 teaspoon of paprika,and three tablespoons of milk to the eggs in the bowl and mix them for about a minute.Pour the mixture into the frying pan,break them into shreds with a fork,or stir them with a spoon until they become solid.When they are cooked,serve them with lightly buttered toast.


  主题句:Even if you don't know how to cook,you'll never starve to death if you know how to prepare scrambled eggs.

  步骤1:melt butter

  步骤2:break eggs

  步骤3:add salt,paprika and milk to the eggs

  步骤4:mix them

  步骤5:pour into the frying pan and stir them

  步骤6:serve with buttered toast






  下面的列举符号(listing signals)常用于过程描述:


  to begin with,then,finally,etc.

  Exercise 11-1

  Directions:Read the following paragraph,then find out the topic sentence,the listing signals and analyze the steps of the process.

  In his will,Alfred Nobel left specific instructions as to how the winners of the science awards he endowed are to be selected.First,each year the Swedish Academy of Sciences(physics and chemistry)and the Caroline Medical Institute(physiology and medicine)solicit nearly two thousand recommendations from past laureates,university professors and other experts from all over the world.The second step is the review of recommendations received and the selections of preliminary candidates by special committees within the two Swedish institutions.The committee members are specifically instructed that those chosen “shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind,”and that no considerations be given to the candidates' nationalities.Next,after lengthy investigation and discussion,the final choices are made for each discipline.Finally,telegrams informing them of their awards are sent to the new Nobel laureates about one month prior to the award ceremony.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________


  Listing Signals:_____________________________________________

  Steps: 1.______________________________________________




  Exercise 11-2

  Directions:The sentences below constitute a paragraph on the scientific methods.However,the sentences have been given in a disordered sequence.You should place them in their correct order.

  a.Following this method,the reseacher first observe some aspects of nature and then poses a specific question about what he has observed.

  b.Experiments based on this hypothesis are designed and conductedto test each contingency.

  c.In order to answer this question,potent data are collected.

  d.After thorough experimentation,the researcher validates,modifies,or rejects his original hypothesis.

  e.Originating from the branch of philosophy called epistemology,what we now know as the scientific method provides guidelinesf of the systematic acquisition of knowledge.

  f.On the basis of these data,a hypothesis is proposed to explain them.

  The right order:______________________________

  Exercise 11-3

  Directions:Write a paragraph about how to prepare a barbecue picnic in the park.

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