

The conventions of writing are a bit different in the natural sciences. Quotations are common in the humanities and social sciences, but fairly uncommon in the sciences. The usual style is not to quote sources but to cite them:

  MSHA does not seem to alter the efficiency of intestinal colonization.

  Interest in conformational analysis of organic ligands has grown since the classic work of Corey and Bailar (1961).

  This makes sense when you think about it, because papers in the natural sciences often cite hundreds of sources.

  As with every area of academic inquiry, there is no universally accepted format for formatting and documenting citations in scientific writing. But one of the most influential writing and documentation styles in the natural sciences is that of the Council of Science Editors (CSE), formerly known as the Council of Biology Editors (CBE). Since the style is generally referred to as CBE style, we'll stick with that.

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