基础英语轻松学【50】新运动 新感觉 新时尚

基础英语轻松学【50】新运动 新感觉 新时尚,第1张

基础英语轻松学【50】新运动 新感觉 新时尚,第2张

本课您将学到:depend on(信赖、视……而定),something is/are the symbolization of sth.句型(……是……的象征)



  The leisure(休闲) and the sport are the symbolization of modern. A lot of people exercise their body snatch a little leisure from a busy life .The sport has become a part of modern people's life, because concerning the life and the health.

  Some new athletics(体育运动) has appeared. Some skillful sports like bungee(蹦极), shaping(健美), and climb(攀岩) conquering(征服) the modern people.

  The designs of the sportive product are depending on the people's needs. Small volume(体积) and lightweight are the specialty(特色) of the new gymnastic(体操训练的) products. “Match the modern life's cadence(节奏) and show solicitude(挂念、担心) for human” will lead the dominant(主导的) tideway(潮流) of gymnastic products.


  something is/are the symbolization of sth. 意思是“……是……的象征”, 所以,开头的一句意思就是“休闲和运动是时髦的象征。”(The leisure and the sport are the symbolization of modern.)

  很多人都在忙里偷闲地从事体育运动。(A lot of people exercise their body snatch a little leisure from a busy life .)snatch是“抓住机会做(或吃等)”的意思,比如:I packed, then snatched two hours' sleep.(我打好行装,然后抓紧时间睡了两小时。)

  关心生活质量及身心健康(concerning the life and the health)使运动成为他们生活中的一部分。(sport has become a part of modern people's life)

  现在出现了一些新型的玩法,(Some new athletics has appeared.)比如蹦极、健美、攀岩等,(sports like bungee, shaping, and climb)像这类的活动,我们用skillful来形容,skill就是“技能”,加上表示“充满”含义的形容词后缀,就是“充满技巧的”活动,它们征服了现代人,(conquering the modern people.)所以,也可以理解为“这些活动以其技巧性征服了现代人。 ”

  design是“设计”的意思,体育型的产品的设计(The designs of the sportive product)根据人们的需求(are depending on the people's needs),整理一下就是“体育型的产品是根据人们的需求设计开发出来的”。

  重点讲讲depend on这个短语。Depend是“依赖、信赖”的意思,所以,depend on可以这样用:You can depend on him.(你可以信赖他。)人们之间可以相互依赖,事件之间也有互相依赖的因果联系,所以,这个短语也可以这样用:The amount you pay depends on where you live. (付多少钱要看你住在哪里而定。)这时,depend on就解释为“视……而定”比较合适。

  体小(Small volume)量轻(lightweight)是新一代运动产品的突出特点。(are the specialty of the new gymnastic products)“符合现代生活节奏,(Match the modern life's cadence)体恤人类身心需要(show solicitude for human)”,将引领体育的产品的主导潮流。(will lead the dominant tideway of gymnastic products)


  今天我们来掌握something is/are the symbolization of sth.句型,它的意思在开头我们就已经知道了,“……是……的象征”。

  比如玫瑰是爱情的象征,就可以说成:Rose is the symbolization of love.


  Now she has become a kind of symbolization of luck and friendship.

  今天的基础英语讲座就到这里,我们学习了短语depend on,还掌握了一个句型something is/are the symbolization of sth.意思是“……是……的象征”,你都记住了吗?我们下次再见!

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